"Right, yep." He came closer. "Are you... um, okay?"

She nodded curtly, and Phoenix glanced at Hunter questioningly. He made a motion, as though to say, 'I'll tell you later', and he nodded, starting to get the ingredients for the batter.

Spencer came back into the kitchen, and he sat down. Though he was less bloody than before, he still looked very pale. Hunter went closer and inspected his wound again. "Hmm... Nick, what do you think?"

"What?" He came closer, and he gasped. "What happened?"

"Crashed into my locker," he mumbled. "It's nothing."

"He's gonna need stitches, Pa," said Phoenix. "No way will that heal on its own."

Ryan made a sort of choking sound, but didn't say anything. Hunter nodded tightly. "Call Aunt Rose, then. She'll be able to help."

"Yeah, sure."

Spencer didn't look up, then noticed Ryan's clear distress. "Ma?"


"What are you making?"

"Some fish and chips."

"You don't need to-"

"I know I don't need to. I want to. You deserve the best."

"Aunt Rose is busy, I'll take him to the hospital. It shouldn't be long," said Phoenix, standing. "Come on, kid."

Spencer stood up shakily, and followed Phoenix out the door. Ryan put the knife down and began to cry again. "I'm an awful mother," she sobbed. "God, I didn't even realise... I should have realised... this is exactly what happened to Winnie..."

"Stop, Ry," said Hunter softly. "Stop blaming yourself. You know it wasn't your fault."

"I can't help him."

"It's not your fault." He gently pushed her towards a chair and sat her down, before grabbing her copy of 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'. "Here. Read."

"I need to make-"

"I know how to make the food, Ry. Just read. I promise, I'll make it properly."

She almost protested, then wiped her eyes. "Yeah. I... I guess you're right." She opened the book and let her mind float away, into a world that was different to this one.


Phoenix stared ahead while he drove, and Spencer wouldn't look at him. "Who did it?" he asked eventually.

"No one."

He laughed without humour. "Don't give me that bullshit. Who did this to you?"

He was quiet. "Ian and his group."

"Those jerks. Of course."

Spencer didn't look up, and Phoenix sighed. "Spence, when are you gonna tell Ma and Pa that you're gay?"

"I'm not going to."

"Why not?"

"Because... because..."

"Aunt Winnie is lesbian, and they all love her the same. Do you really think that they'll change their minds for you?"

"It's just not that simple," he said softly. "You don't understand."

"I know I don't. But you need to do something. These boys are hurting you really badly."

"It's just a couple of bullies."

Take A Walk (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 5 of The Hardships Saga)Where stories live. Discover now