Tracking Alex Ch. 7.3

Start from the beginning

Oh, I can trust you, gorgeous. It's my heart that I can't. It loves the company you and your brothers bring and wants more, more, more from you.

"I have trust issues." Alex turned around when Gabe looked at her. "I need my pillow." She fled into the bedroom. When she came back, she was clutching her pillow to her chest. After a nervous glance at Gabe, she plopped on the recliner.

I want to collapse on his lap so I better stay over here. I'm not here to enjoy myself but to help the victimized until I die, either by the hand of thugs or the nuclear slipstream generator in my chest.

An hour later, Alex was asleep on the recliner when Gabe heard voices at her front door.

"I'm not letting you in again," Cale hissed.

"Alex gave you a key, so hand it over," Rile hissed back. "Or I'll pick the lock."

"Why do you want to enter?" Cale asked. "Alex said she was going to bed."

"If you must know, I want to work on her couch."

"Her couch? What's wrong with her couch?"

Gabe strode over and opened the door. "What is it?" he asked quietly. "Alex is asleep. Go away."

"Perfect." Rile sidled past him. "I'm working on her couch."

Gabe's grab missed Rile."She's asleep on the recliner."

"The recliner? That's a step backward. Good for Alex." Rile looked down at the sleeping figure.

"She can sleep where she wishes in her dwelling. Now leave," Gabe hiss-growled deep in his chest, a threatening sound.

"I won't wake her up." Rile sat on the ground by the couch leg. He pulled a knife out of a sheath attached to his belt. "This is very quiet." He applied the knife to the wooden couch foot. "She wanted claw feet on her couch and I'll make that happen."

Gabe and Cale exchanged glances.

"It will be very noisy making him leave," Cale said.

"True dat," Gabe said.

"Are you picking up New Orleans idioms?" Cale asked and Gabe smiled.

They curled up on the couch together and fell into a light sleep. It was near midnight when Gabe roused, sat up, and said, "Time to leave."

Rile waved his knife. "I'm not finished."

Gabe stood up and Cale stood next to him.

"I said, time to leave."

Alex twitched on the recliner and rolled over.

"Don't wake her up," Gabe warned.

"Or let him," Cale said. "He deserves the pounding. We can help."

"Traitors." Rile stood and looked down at Alex. "She has work in the morning. I'll go."

"I'll come with you," Cale said.

"Coming, Perfect Eldest Son?" Rile asked.

"Alex has nightmares and Morgan is still free," Gabe replied, posture stiff. "She asked me to sleep on the couch. Get out."

Cale pushed on Rile. "Go, go, go. Remember Alex has to work in the morning."

Rile watched Gabe as he allowed his middle brother to steer him out the door.


Thirty minutes later, Alex breathed in short bursts. She turned one way, then the other, on the recliner.

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