Chapter 25 'Christmas'

Start from the beginning

"By the way I been meaning to ask but are you and Nathan together now?" Asked Mason, I glanced down at my sweater then back at him. "Oh geez who would of known? I mean with all the hugging and the sweaters I guess it is hard to tell." I say with my voice dripping sarcasm. "Okay, okay, no need to add the sarcasm. It makes me feel bad, so wow how did this happen? I mean you two never ever talk and once I left you two are together?" I smiled, "Well if we talked before maybe we would of been together then. But what matters is now."


At night the five of us were playing card games. "Liam do you have any 2's?" I asked, "Nope 'Go Fish'." I threw my cards in the air frustrated. "That's it! I give up, I have better things to do right now!"

"I second that." Nathan agreed with me.

"Yeah of course you would agree with her. You are her boyfriend." Snapped Megan.

"Megan don't forget you have a boyfriend too." I included.

"I think Lydia is mad that she was going to lose this intense game of 'Go Fish.'" said Liam.

All of us snorted at Liam’s comment while Mason talked under his breath. "Couples." "Mason like you are forever alone right now." I said. I noticed how Mason look directly away from me. Oh he has a girl he likes, but that will be another time that I will bug him. "Oh by the way some of our family members and close friends will also come for Christmas tomorrow night. But most of them will be here in the morning to help." Nathan informed all of us.

It was about 3 in the morning and I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, and it was Nathan. "Hey do you want to go back to my room and head to sleep." I nodded at him and stretched my arms out for him to carry me back. But then someone knock down my arms...It was Mason. "How about we all sleep in this bonus room, so I can keep a good eye on the girls." Mason say while making eye-contact with Liam and Nathan. I just rolled my eyes at him "Mason nothing is going to happen. You don't need to be one of those overprotective brothers." Megan nodded with me in agreement. "Don't you girls always wanted a brother like that?" But instead Megan and I laughed. "Those are for those girls that doesn't have a brother." said Megan. "Doesn't matter, the point is everyone is sleeping in this room."

I didn't really mind, to be honest I am too tired to care. I crawled on the couch and rested my head on Nathan's lap.


I woke up to the pain of being slapped in the face. Man that hurts! I slowly sat up to see a bunch of kids running around the room. Why are they here and where is everybody else? I walked out of the room and walked downstairs. I saw Megan, Liam, and Mason sitting at the table eating breakfast. Ugh, I am still really tired. "Lydia!" I turned around to see Nathan running down the stairs. I could tell he just came out of the shower since hair is wet and the fact that he is not wearing a shirt.

"Oh god sorry I forgot to lock the door. I walked into the room with the kids running around and you were gone. Do you need to go back to sleep because I can take you back to my room." I smiled at fact how he is so worried. I got up on my toes and planted a kiss on his lips. "Merry Christmas." A smiled formed on his face. "Merry Christmas too." Nathan put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to return back the kiss.

For breakfast I sat next to Nathan. "So you're Nathan’s girlfriend." I looked up to see a boy with brown hair and a girl that was smirking at me. I looked back over a Nathan giving him a confused look. "Oh they are my cousin Jason and Taylor." They both smiled and waved at me, and I did the same thing back at them. "I don't know you well but I like you better than Jade." said Taylor. I remember Jade...yeah I don't like her either.

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