Chapter 17 "Will you go out with me?"

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SHOUT OUT TO @double_it :)


Lydia’s P.O.V.

Spending last week with Nathan was pretty fun, it was mainly just us since Liam and Megan kept on hanging out and none of them would tell me anything that is going on between them and it has been killing me. Last week, I mainly went to school, did homework, then watch movies with Nathan- note to self never let him talk you into watching a horror movie, but now I am back at home in my room. To my surprise my mom did not do anything to me at all. Like I mean everything went back to normal and she didn't get mad at me or anything. Eh no one is complaining here.

At school the tickets for the winter formal is now on sale and all of the girls are excited. I mean I am not planning on going unless I get asked, same thing goes for Megan. It been our high school plan for dances and everything. On the bright side we don't have to waste money on dresses and tickets to go so yeah its a win-win thing. Part of that plan was if one person gets asked out and the other didn't, you would have to get the guy that asked you out to find your friend a date so no one gets left behind. It was a well thought out plan. But in reality no one was going to ask us out but maybe Liam will ask Megan....

Liam P.O.V

Last week the tickets for the winter formal went on sale and its suppose to be this Saturday and I still didn't ask Megan out yet. I’ve been thinking about asking Lydia for help, but I know if I asked Lydia for help she will be all in my face about it, and I don't ever want that to happen. The worst Megan could do is say no and I could always ask one of the cheerleaders out. They will always say yes to me. Okay game plan, I will ask Megan out during lunch.

On my way to lunch I was walking with my best friend Matt, we both played soccer together so that's how we met. I said goodbye to Matt and walked up to Megan and of course Lydia is there, oh great! "Hey Lydia, hi Megan." Both of the girls looked up and smiled at me. "Hey Megan do you want to take a walk?" I asked her but then Lydia interrupted us before Megan could answer. "Wait a minute! Liam you have been taking Megan away from me many times this month and leaving me here like a loner. Can I please have a nice lunch with my friend without you intruding?" I seriously feel like grabbing Megan’s arm and pulling her away just to leave Lydia alone but that will ruin my chance with Megan saying yes to me. So I thought of a better plan, scanning the cafeteria I found Nathan talking with a girl who I think is named Amber, and I called Nathan over. While he was walks towards me, he looks really pissed off. But instead I ignore it and gave him a big smile and hugged him. "Hey Nathan I need to talk with Megan and Lydia won't let me so do you mind keeping Lydia company." Nathan glanced at Lydia while she was still glaring at me, dang the woman is so mean. After Nathan thought about it, he agreed to that and sat down with Lydia while I grabbed Megan’s hand and pulled her out of the cafeteria.

While walking around the school with Megan she finally talked to me. "Was there a reason why you needed to talk to me?" Okay this is it time to ask her. "Um Megan, I was wondering if you want to go to the winter formal with me?" I stared at Megan’s face to find an expression and a second later she smiled and I think she is going to say yes. "Yes I would like to go to the formal with you but there is one thing you need to do." Huh, I never thought you would need to make a deal with a girl when you ask her out. "Okay then, what is it that you need?" I asked her. "Well you see Lydia does not have a date to the formal and we made a pact in the beginning of high school, and its a long story but anyway you need find Lydia a date. By the way it should be Nathan." Why are girls so complicated? I could just go right now and ask a random cheerleader but Lydia will kill me for that so there is one choice left. "Okay I will get Nathan to ask Lydia out."

    On my way home I was now questioning the fact if doing this for Megan is worth it. I mean I don't know if I like-like Megan but she is cool and pretty hot to be honest. I get out of my car and looked over to Lydia’s house and found that she has just walked back from school. There are times where I really want to murder Lydia. Hopefully Nathan is home by now they both get out at the same time so... I jogged upstairs into the bonus room to see Nathan playing videogames--of course he would be doing that right now. Walking up to Nathan I grabbed the remote control out of his hand and turned off the TV. "LIAM WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" Nathan shouted right at my face. "Damn dude calm down we don't want you pmsing at me now don't you. But anyway are you going to ask someone out to go to the winter formal?" Nathan rolled his eyes at me then eventually answered me. "Yeah dude I was about to ask that Amber chick until you interrupted me and made me sit with Lydia." Oh my god yes! "So today I asked out Megan to the formal today..." With that Nathan sat forward and looked at me expectantly. "And...? " I explained to him everything and what Megan said. By the time I finished explaining to him what happened Nathan’s face was priceless. "Bro just go and ask the cheerleaders its the gift of being a jock so use it." I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh please Nathan can you please ask Lydia out so I can go with  Megan because she is really hot and it would be really nice dating someone normal this time!" I wasn’t going to do this, but I really had no choice now. “Nathan if you don’t help me, I will print out every embarrassing picture of you as a child and post it all over the school, plus post it on every social media I know.” There was a silence then, "Oh alright fine I will ask Lydia to the dance!" I cheered in excitement. Now I kind of feel bad at the fact that I might have to take his date away because I want to go with a girl that I think I have a school crush on, I might hate myself for saying this. "Nathan if you really don't want to take Lydia then don't and go ask Amber instead."  "Nah, its alright I don't mind asking Lydia out. Its better if I ask since I heard one of the football players is planning to ask her out." Alright, I see what's going on here Nathan does like Lydia. I should be one of those love doctors....

                                 Nathan POV

                "Do you want to build a snowman?"  Why do I even have this song stuck in my head?  I was waiting in class eager for science to be over already. I just want to get over with asking Lydia out. I seriously have no idea why I am scared, I mean sure I asked out hot girls before. Wait, did I just call her hot? Eh who cares, the moment the bell rung I burst out of my seat and went straight to my locker. While putting my books away Amber came walking up to me. "Hey Nathan, so about the winter formal?" "Yeah hi Amber, and yeah for the winter formal I decided on asking Lydia. Sorry about that." Amber glared at me, "You will be the only one sorry! I have plenty of other guys that would love to go with me!" then she stomped away. Wow she is feisty, feel sorry for the guy who has to marry her. Ha!

             I walked into the cafeteria just in time to see Amber spill coffee all over Lydia’s hoodie. Wow she must be pretty jealous, but why wouldn't she be. Amber walked away from Lydia but before she could Amber tripped over Lydia’s shoe. Ha, Karma is a bitch! Lydia tore off her hoodie then walked towards the exit. I ran up to her before she could leave. "Hey Lydia for the winter formal you are going with me okay? Later." Before I could leave Lydia spoke up. "No I am not going with you. That is no proper way to ask a girl to a dance." The whole cafeteria turn silent, just my luck. I looked over at Liam and shrugged at him getting ready to give up but he just gave me the I going to kill you face. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Lydia. "Lydia will you go to the winter formal with me?" I said with a snappy tone. "Nope I don't like your attitude, I want you to get down on your knees and ask me in a nice tone." Sorry Liam I was not going to go that low to ask a girl out-let alone Lydia. “No,” I simply said. I was about to walk away when I heard a distinct voice chant “Do it. Do it. Do it!” and before I knew it the whole cafeteria was in on it. “Do it! Do it! Do it!” The pressure was all on me now. If I walked away now, they would think that I lost my charm with the ladies. Oh my god Lydia is a piece of work. I looked around at cafeteria and the guys on my football team were chuckling at me. I slowly got down on my knee looking up at Lydia and as nicely as I could through my gritted teeth I asked. "Lydia will you please go to the winter formal with me?" Lydia pretended to think. “Hmmm... Sure,” and walked away.

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