Chapter 5-The Tell

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Laken paused, hearing the words and turned around, a smirk on her face, "I love you!" She snatched the keys from his hands, a wide grin now on her face.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too." Derek pecked her lips before the two got in her car.


"Come on Dad! I wanna go see coach first!" Laken spoke to her father as they walked into the school. 

"Why are you excited to see a teacher?" Noah asked his daughter.

"Coach likes me." Laken smiled. 

"There she is! My favorite student!" Coach Finnstock smiled.

Noah raised and eyebrow, watching his daughter and her teacher/coach do a handshake.

"I'm not going to ask." 


After listining to Coach and Mr. Harris talk about her and her twin brother, Laken walked out the school, walking over to Melissa who was talking to Allison's parents. 

"Hey, Mel." Laken hugged the older woman.

"Laken, sweetheart, your my favorite, you know your my favorite." Melissa told the teenage girl, "So where is Scott?" 

"And Allison." Chris spoke up. 

"I skipped school today." Laken shrugged, "I only saw them this morning when Lydia forced me to give Allison a bracelet for her birthday." 

"Someone had to force you to give her friend and present?" Victoria Argent asked. 

"Take this how you want it. I don't like your daughter. I put up with her because my best friend, who's like another brother, likes her." Laken old them, "I only have one best friend and that's Jackson." 


The hazel eyed Stilinski girl stood next to her father, trying to call Jackson. Screams rung out, and they ran towards it.

"Allison!" Scott yelled, running to said girl, yanking her out the way of the car.

Laken's eyes got wide, "Dad!" She ran and used all her force to push him out the way.

"Laken!" Melissa and Noah screamed the girls name.

She closed her eyes, ready to feel the impact of the car, falling to the ground as he hit her. 

Scott, who was wrapped p in making sure Allison was okay, looked up hearing his mother and the sheriff screaming Laken's name, only to see her get him by the car that was going to his Allison.

"Okay," Laken groaned in pain, "That was so not like the movies." 

Melissa and Noah laughed as a gun shout rung out. Melissa helped Laken up, and followed the crowed to find the 'mountain lion' everyone was talking about.

As everyone looked at it, Laken's phone began to rind. Scott and Allison turned to her as she answered the phone call. 


"Laken I need you." 

"Jaxt where are you?" 

"The lacrosse field at the school." 

"I'm on the way." Laken hung up the phone, turning to run off, but Scott grabbed her arm.

"Laken, you need to get checked out." 

"No. My best friend needs me." Laken yanked her arm away , every flickering to Allison's, "Worry about your girlfriend. She seems more important." 


"Dad, I'm going to find Jackson. I might stay at his house, or he might come to stay the night." She told her father before walking off, going to find her bet friend and ignoring the calls of her name from Scott.


"Jax!" Laken called out, running to find him.

She found him sitting the ground, and dropped to her knees next to him, wrapping her arms around her shoulders in a hug.

"Why didn't they want me? Was I not good enough for them? Did they not love me?" Jackson cried into her chest. 

Laken felt tears prick at her eyes at seeing her best friend cry, "Their idiots for giving you up. Their messing out on an amazing guy, and you don't need them. You've never needed them." She mumbled into his hair, "I love you Jax, and that's all that matters. Lydia loves you and so does Danny." 

"Don't leave me." He cried.

"I'd never leave you, Jax." 


Derek snuck into Laken's bedroom, noticing Laken wasn't the only one in her bed. Jackson was laying next to her, his arm under her head. He looked at Laken, seeing a look of pain on her face. He went to her side, and crouched down, touching her face softly, watching as the black veins appeared on his hand and up his arm.

He smiled as he watched her face lose any look of pain before he kissed her forehead. 

"Derek?" She asked, slightly opening her eyes to look at him. 

"Hey, go back to sleep." He brushed some hair out of her face. "I'll see you tomorrow at some time, okay?" 

"I love you." She mumbled, slowly falling asleep again.

"I love you too, baby." 


Author's Note

So, I tried to do this episode a little differently. I wanted to throw some Laken and Derek moments in even though it wasn't a lot. And I wanted everyone to see how much Jackson trusts Laken and how much trust she had in Jackson. 

The episode was basically based around Allison and Scott skipping school so I wanted Laken to skip because of Derek. I also didn't want to write the whole scene at the parent thing or when the 'thing killing people' was killed so I threw my own twist into it. 

Written In The Stars{Derek Hale/Book 1}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ