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[light of my life]

i found the
beginning of this
so i decided to

these poems have
taken me like only
ten minutes to write,
so hopefully its
nothing too horrible.

Words can not amount to how much i love you
Therefore i never stop talking

You're so beautiful and stay walking through my mind
The thought of you and i makes me feel fuzzy
Without you, i am nothing.
You are the missing piece to the mysterious puzzle I'm solving.

Youre so delicate and amazing,
Without you, I'd go crazy. You keep me sane through all the numbing pain.

Your voice is soothing.
Your smile lightens my life.
And when you laugh, my heart skips a beat.
Youre beautiful from your head to your feet.

I wish you could see what i do.
There's more to you than you think.
I love the way your cheeks turn pink when you get cold. I love the way you roll your eyes at the things you already know.

Something about you draws me in and it is rather addicting. You're my savior from these thoughts so conflicting.

Thank you for being the person you are, because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten this far.

for no one in particular.

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