K. Gordon (Character)

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Gender: Female

Age: Adut

Status: Unknown

Features: Unknown hair and eye color

Occupation: Midwich Elementary School teacher

Description: K. Gordon was a teacher for Midwich Elementary School in Silent Hill. While she does not physically appear in the game, memos and items belonging to her occasionally appear throughout the Silent Hill series, which over time gradually allude to her profession and relationship with Alessa Gillespie.

                                                                               In The Game

In Silent Hill (the game), Harry Mason discovers a key labeled "K. Gordon". This key opens up her house, granting him access to Bradbury Street, where he is then able to make his way to Balkan Church.

K. Gordon's name is also on a list of teachers at Midwich Elementary School. Behind her house is a garage door stained with blood, possibly indicating that the Order silenced her due to her attempts to save Alessa from her cruel conditioning at the hands of the cult. However, this is just speculation, as there are numerous spots in Silent Hill where there are numerous spots in Silent Hill where there are seemingly random places of carnage, even in the Fog World.

Sorry there is no photos of her because no one knows who she is and no one knows what she looks like.

Thats the nineth character all done. And yall know the drill lol ask questions, like, and comment!!!!

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