Dahlia Gillespie (Character)

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Gender: Female

Age: 46

Status: Deceased

Cause Of Death: Immolated by the Incubus

Features: Gray hair and blue eyes

Occupation: High priestess and Leader of the Order and Owner of Green Lion Antiques

Description: Dahlia Gillespie is one of the series' first antagonists and is responsible for most of the terrible events that have occurred in Silent Hill. Dahlia is the leader and a priestess of the Order, a cult that worships its own god and is devoted to engineering its birth. Although Dahlia envisions a "Paradise", the benevolence of the cult's deity is in doubt.

Dahlia is the abusive mother of Alessa Gillespie; she set Alessa on fire, gave her fourth-degree burns, and kept her in excruciating pain and suffering for 7 years, all in the name of her God and religion. There are implications throughout the series that Dahlia would punch, physically abuse and lock Alessa in her attic for refusing to believe and pray to God (not our god its their own different god) in order to force her daughter into her religion.


Dahlia is a strong believer in her cult's religion and her faith and is very religious. She follows her faith and its doctrines dogmatically and views her faith and its teachings as truth. It is heavily implied she is involved with the occult and practices dark magic and the like.

She often speaks in mysterious symbolic riddles. Some have called Dahlia "crazy" and "bizarre".

Dahlia wears a ceremonial dress and headdress with a red and black striped tie, and always seems to be barefoot.

When first introduced, Dahlia, although mysterious, appears as a generous figure who wants to put and end to Silent Hill's dark madness. However, as the player uncovers evidence, it gradually becomes evident that Dahlia is hiding her true motives and is actually responsible for demons overrunning the town.

Dahlia has a questionable relationship with her child Alessa. On one hand, it could be easy to label her as an evil abusive mother who used and sacrificed Alessa for her own personal gain. However, it is unlikely that Dahlia hates or despises Alessa; it is more probable that Dahlia has a warped view of love towards Alessa. Dahlia once told Alessa " it's for your own good, too." and called Alessa her "dear" girl.


Dahlia is the proprietor of the Green Lion Antiques store in Central Silent Hill, which has had a secret church connected to it. It is also rumored that she has a side business of magic spells and fortune-telling to her customers. Any information regarding Dahlia's husband or partner is unknown. Dahlia and Alessa lived together in a house in Silent Hill's business district.

Alessa's presence has summoned poltergeist activity since she was a child. These disturbances, along with Alessa's latent telekinetic abilities, branded her as a witch by her classmates. Dahlia knew of her daughter's powers, and surmised they were linked to the dark "God" which the Order worshiped.

Hoping to "birth" her God through Alessa, Dahlia used occult-like rituals to impregnate her in an attempt to summon the ancient god of the town. One of these rituals resulted in a house fire, with Alessa trapped inside. Although the fire was ruled an accident, Alessa was left completely disfigured from the resultant burns. Through the use of a magical incantation invoked by her mother, Alessa lingered despite her fatal injuries and was placed in the care of Dr. Michael Kaufmann, a cult affiliate and director of Alchemilla Hospital. Dahlia has an alliance with Kaufmann centered around drugs(PTV its the drug used by tourists and citizens of Silent Hill).

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