To my surprise, Louis wrapped his arm around my waist and gave the waitress a wink before leaving. I turned around and found the waitress with her mouth open in shock. I smiled even more as we walked out of the restaurant. 

Louis still had his arm wrapped around my waist, but I didn't say anything. I liked it. We walked to the car and soon he realized his arm was still on my waist. Embarrassed, he retrieved his hand and shoved them in his pockets. 

As we entered the car and Louis started driving, an awkward silence filled up the vehicle. I heard Louis sigh and turn on the radio which was playing the song Happy. Louis groaned and tried to find a good radio station, but most of them were playing Dark Horse or All Of Me. 

Trust me the songs are great, but its annoying to listen to them all the time on radios. Its like they are the only songs in the world. These radio people really have a bad taste in music. 

"Well since there's nothing on, lets talk." Louis said as he stopped the car at a red light. 

"OK how about your first lesson tomorrow?" I said. 

"I am not a good singer so it will be a miracle if you actually make me good at singing." Louis said. I smirked and ran my hand through my hair.

"You're good Louis. We'll just do something easy." I said. 

"Whatever you say." 

Soon the car was filled with silence except for the horns and yelling outside. 

"I need to stop for some gas. Do you mind?" Louis said, breaking the silence. I shook my head. 

He made a U-turn and entered the gas station. I felt my phone vibrate as Louis got out of the car.


"Harry, Darling! How are you?" The elderly voice said. I smiled to myself. It was my grandmother. 

"I am doing well. How are you Grammy? Why did you call?"

She chuckled and said, "Can't I check on my dear grandson?" 

"Point taken. So how are you?" I said, repeating my question.

"I am doing well. Just a little headache here and there, nothing too serious. So I heard that you fancy some Louis bloke." She said in a teasing tone. I blushed, guess the news came to her. 

"Grammy, did you watch that interview?" 

"Yes and Gemma told me." 

Of course Gemma would tell Grammy. 

"Well we are hanging out right now.." 

"Did I interrupt something? I am sorry, love." 

I surpassed a laugh and shook my head. 

"No its not a date. We're hanging out like mates." 

"Well I better hang up. Don't want to interrupt your date." 

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help blush. 

"Alright well have a good day Grammy."

"Remember to visit, love." 

I chuckled, "OK course. Bye." 

She ended the call and soon Louis came back in. 

"Who was that?" He asked, eyeing my phone.

"My Grammy. Its been days since I last talked to her." 

"Aw can't live without your Grammy?" He cooed with a teasing tone, "i haven't spoken to mine in months. Probably should ring her up later otherwise she'll start nagging me when I visit." 

I didn't say anything and listened him talk about his Grandmother. I had this question wandering around my head, why did she call? Its normally me who calls her. I know its stupid to think about this too much but its weird. She usually calls after a week or two otherwise its me who calls her. 

Yeah I am overreacting. 


Louis' voice made me loose my train of thought. 

"Yeah?" I said.

"I was just saying that we should hang out at your place. Maybe play some video games?" 

I smiled, "Of course. Let's go!" 

He grinned and drove a bit faster. I rested on my seat and closed my eyes. I worry too much. 


So how did you like this chapter? I just wanted to introduce Harry's grandma cause she has a big role in this story. 

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