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Nicole's back clashes with the cold metal of the fridge. Her fingers are entangled in Waverly's locks and they pull her hair, in response she gets a deep moan from her. Waverly's fingers have found their way under Nicole's shirt and they cause goosebumps and an electric feeling as they ghost over Nicole's abdomen. The room is filled with the smell of herbs and the sound of deep breathing. Waverly's lips are trembling with happiness and adrenaline, she has craved this for so long. She kisses Nicole like she's dehydrated, and Nicole's lips are ice cold water. She kisses her like she's dying and Nicole is her only cure. Their mouths move in sync and their eyes are closed one moment, then admiring each other the next. Two heartbeats become one and they can't control themselves and help but attack each other with tender but hungry kisses. Waverly feels like kissing every part of Nicole's skin, it would be the only way for her to express the love she carries for the girl in this moment. Instead, she settles for her neck first, and she slowly makes her way down Nicole's jaw, to her throat and then on the side of her neck. She sucks softly on her pulse point and immediately there's a visible mark growing on the spot.
"I've missed you", she growls against the skin of Nicole's neck. Nicole grabs her cheeks to make their faces on the same height again and Waverly moves her head to bite on Nicole's thumb, and Nicole has to shut her thighs together violently because of the sensation of her crush biting on her finger like that. She stares deeply into Waverly's eyes, in her ears she hears the pounding of her heartbeat. It's going insane and every second it goes more crazy. Her chest fills with love and it almost hurts, but it's a good kind of pain.
"I missed you, too", she breathes finally. They both don't say anything but are just standing there, together in the kitchen, holding each other and admiring each other's presence. Waverly's eyes suddenly get a devilish glance in them and her pupils grow twice their size. She moves her hand down Nicole's stomach and while keeping eye contact, she slips her hand past Nicole's jeans's waistband. Suddenly she freezes. The repeated sound the oven makes because it's ready snaps them both out of their bubble of sexual tension. They want to be annoyed, yet they start giggling at the same time when they realize they've been cockblocked - or rather: vaglected - by their own food.
"We couldn't even wait until dessert", Waverly laughs.
"There's dessert?", Nicole asks eagerly, like a child.
"Yes," Waverly starts smirking, "it's me."
"What? Not what you were expecting?"
"Not quite", Nicole tells the other girl and fakes being upset. Waverly rolls her eyes and gets the steaming pizza out of the oven, she can't help but break her annoyed facade when she spots the smiling face that Nicole created on her part of the dough.
"Well, then, lucky for you I also have tiramisu for after."
Nicole approaches her with a huge smile and wraps her arms around Waverly's neck.
"I was just joking, I'd have you for dessert every day if I could." She winks at her playfully before kissing her; they both smile into it. After a while Waverly pushes her back.
"Now, let's finally eat before my organs actually eat themselves."
Waverly guides Nicole to her living room. She doesn't officially have a dining table, so she did her best dining the small table she has in front of her couch. On the floor there's two pillows, her best replacement for chairs. Nicole is stunned by the lit candles all around the room and the music playing on the TV. The room smells of the roses Nicole gifted Waverly earlier. From one glance at the playlist on the screen, she can tell it's all sappy songs that are very suitable for first dates. Normally she would've cringed in disgust at the cliche-ness of it all, but because it's Waverly doing this for her, she instead blushes.
"Waves," she starts off when they've taken their seats, "this is beautiful."
"I thought you would've found it too much, I'm glad you like it."
They stare at each other lovingly. This is all that Waverly has been waiting for the moment she left poor Nicole sitting there in the café. This is all that Nicole has wanted since she saw Waverly's hips move on stage when she danced in front of her. It feels like an eternity since that night and everything has changed, but also nothing has. They eat and talk and talk until the stars appear and the candles start to dim. In a long time, neither has felt this content and loved. They end up slow dancing to old jazz a couple of hours later, and it feels like it's just them. Just the two of them on this whole godforsaken world, and everything is alright for once. Waverly's head leans on Nicole's broad shoulder and Nicole kisses the top of her head. Her hair still smells the same it did when she smelled it in the hotel bed. Suddenly something scary appears in Waverly's mind. She has to leave her again when she leaves for Europe. She hadn't thought about it, she didn't forget but she was distracted with winning a heart back. Her hand unconsciously grabs Nicole's tighter, she doesn't want to let go. Maybe she's not thinking realistically because of the overjoy she gets from spending the evening with Nicole, or maybe it's just fear. 
"Come with me."
"Come with me."
They stop dancing. Waverly looks at Nicole innocently and pushes a lock of the ginger hair behind her ear.
"Go with me to Europe. We can explore the world together. You're just stuck here, anyway. Please, please come with me."
Nicole is silent. She's not hurt, but she's just realized this means she has to choose between the two people she loves the very most.
"Waves... my mom."
"I'm sorry, you're right. You've to stay here, of course you do."
"I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. I can't make you leave her. I am sorry," she takes a deep breath before finishing her sentence, "just promise me, Nicole, that you will wait for me."
Nicole looks at her like she wants to cry. She strokes Waverly's hair and makes her lean into a kiss by putting her finger against Waverly's chin. She swears she can feel a tear fall down the girl's face when their mouths meet.
"I promise", she whispers against her lips.


Pads, coconut milk, apples, almonds, I repeat in my head, walking down the candy isle. Pads, coconut milk, apples, almonds. In my cart there's a bottle of red wine and I throw a pack of chocolate chip cookies in it, too. Dammit. In the store there's quiet top 40 music playing and I hear a child crying and a mom scolding. Behind me I hear the beeps of the scanners. Pads, coconut milk, apples, almonds, I continue. Bit by bit I collect the ensemble. No one ever warns you about the amount of self control it takes to grocery shop when they talk about adulthood. It's always money, love, jobs, family. It never is shopping. I've had two more moments of lost of self control: potato chips and chocolate pudding. When I've got everything I need, I place it all on the counter. One by one. Chips, milk, cookies, bag of apples, almonds, pads, pudding, wine. I look at the rack in front of me and immediately get tempted to put one of the packets of cigarettes next to my groceries on the counter. I do it, I blame the third mistake on the adults who didn't warn me about self control. When the grumpy lady starts scanning my products, the loud mom and her baby leave and when the tinted glass doors slide open, they reveal the noise of a running engine. I look up, the doors are just barely open, they're sliding back closed. But that moment was enough for me to see Wynonna standing next to her motorbike.
"That'll be $15,20." Her voice sounds irritated. She chews her gum annoyingly while waiting for my money.
I can't concentrate and throw her a 20 dollar bill. I mumble about change and throw my stuff into the tote bag. "Coffee lover (I swear I'm not a hipster)", it says on it. I got it for my birthday, I think Asiel gave it to me. I hate that bag, but it's all I had.
Coconut milk, pads, cookies, wine, almonds, pudding, chips, apples, cigarettes stay in my hand. I get one out of the packet before hastily throwing it in the hipster-bag on top of the other items. I put the cig in my mouth and throw the bag over my shoulder. My pace is fast when I walk towards the sliding doors, I hold the ends of my jacket and keep my head down. I don't believe in god, but I'm silently praying she doesn't see me. The doors open and my pace gets even faster.
Her voice hasn't changed. Hearing my name come out of her mouth makes me cringe. I want to keep walking but she calls me name again. I look up and Wynonna is already running towards me. I want to run away and scream that I don't want to talk to her, but I'm frozen.
"Waverly. I haven't seen you since...," she pauses. She can't say Willa's name. She certainly can't say Willa's funeral. Her sunglasses don't hide the black eye, but I don't care enough to ask her about it.
"What made you come back? I... Would you like to catch up soon? I'm really sorry, but I have to run now."
I wanted her to apologize for everything, not for running out of time to talk to me. I want to say that I don't want to see her again. I want to run. But I just stand there without saying a word. I just stand while my sister talks to me.
"I'll give you a call."
And she's gone.
I light the cigarette.

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