"I just can't let you go "-Alex said 

"Why not ?"-You asked in a stern tone 

"Will you just hear me out real quick"-Alex asked 

"I'm listening"-You said 


"Hello ?"-I asked 

"Sorry for not calling earlier , sir but we have sent all of out policie team to search for miss Yn so I'm am sure that we will find her very soon trust me"-The man said 

"Thank you very much"-I thanked 

"You're welcome . She's on the news and on the front of the newspapers too for if anyone finds her to call the number given"-The man added 

"Thank you very much for this . I appreiciate it alot"-I added 

"No problem . I will call back for any further updates or events . Please watch the news also just incase"-The man explained 

"Okay thanks for the help"-I said 

"No problem . Bye , have a nice day"-The man said before hanging up 

"Soo what did they say ?"-Sierra asked 

"They said that they have sent out all the police in ATL to serach for mom so if anything happens they will call back or they said that we should just watch the news until further notices"-I said 

"I just wanna know the person who did this . How dare they take away my mom like that. Man this is just pissing me off"-Sierra said 

"Aye mind your language"-I gave Sierra a look 

"I love you too daddy"-Sierra kissed my cheek , laughing nervously 

"I love you too Sierra but lets go and watch the news if they have any updates on mom"-I said 

"Alright"-Sierra agreed 


"Well uhhh"-Alex rubbed his head 

"I'm waiting"-You said getting impatient 

"I have someone who uhhh knows you and he is asking me to do this"-Alex said 

"Go on"-You said

"And well he hasn't seen you in a long time"-Alex added

"Do I know this person ?"-You asked 

"Very well"-Alex said 

The door opened 

"Aye T check this out . The feds are after you"-A tall skinny boy threw a newspapper to Alex

Alex read the newspaper in shock

"WHAT ?!"-Alex shouted 

"What's going on ?"-You asked confused 

"Nothing stay here I'll be right back"-Alex said running out with the other boy forgetting that he left the newspapper there .

As soon as you heard the footsteps fade away you grabbed the news papper and read it .


Yn (YLN) has been reported to be missing from her home in Georigia , Atlanta . Her former boyfriend Mr. Chresanto August called in saying that his son,  4, Jayden August , rushed in to his room screaming that Yn was gone . Chresanto jumped out of bed and searched the house with his son . He went into the kitchen to see that the tap was on , the refridgerator door was opened and glass was shattered everywhere . He also noticed that the door was opened when then he knew that someone had taken her away .

He suspected that her army trainer , Commander Alex was the one who kidnapped her as for when she had came back from training , told Chresanto that he had tried to get with her . Commander Alex's army is an ilegal army and also a woman's army . 

If anyone has seen Yn (YLN) please contact the following number below .

You covered you mouth as you was in shock . You heard the footsteps coming closer again so you carefully left the newspaper back where it was . Alex walked in .

"Can you please tell me who told you to kiddnap me ?"-You asked 

Alex sighed 

"You're father"

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)Where stories live. Discover now