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{Short Chapter because I want the next one to be thrilling lmao}

I had two choices:
1. Stop messing around with Joe which could possibly ruin any sort of bond with him or
2. Tell Jack I've hooked up with Joe, his best friend, while we were going on dates.

I walked into the room, Joe was on his phone in the bed. "Joe." I said, sitting at the end of the bed "Yes?" He smiled, his eyes big and his smile faint "I'm-" I smiled at him, picking my choice almost immediately "I'm going to stop seeing Jack."

His smile widened and he moved over to me and kissed me. "Maybe we could go on dates." He said as he traced his finger along my collar bone. I nodded and kissed him.

The rest of the trip to Ireland was pretty basic. Sightseeing, pictures, clubs and pubs.

Joe and I had our 'little secret' although we didn't tell anyone the whole house knew.

I decided to tell Jack. We haven't talked in a week and I cancelled on our date but he deserves to know, well that's what Taylor advised me to do.

I hoped in my car and drove to his apartment. When I knocked at his door nobody answered so I called Joseph. "Hey Joe, I'm here. Nobody's answering." I said "Nobody's heard from him since we got back from Ireland last week." "Oh, I think he has a spare key outside. I'll look for it."

I found the key under a flower pot outside his door and opened his door. "Jack..It's Ayla" I called. I walked through the hallway, peering into each room until the bathroom. "Jack?" I knocked at the door before it opened a little.

My stomach felt empty, my anxiety filled my whole body and my hairs on my arms stood up.

Jacks legs lied across the floor of the bathroom in a pool of his own blood. I didn't step into the bathroom, I ran out immediately dialling 911.

The ambulance and police came, I sat still outside in shock. Is Jack dead? How?

Tears rolled down my face as the guilt took over me. I was sleeping around with his best friend while all this happened.

I overheard the police men talking. One of them said 'A attempted suicide or a attempted murder' my heart dropped.

I sat outside until I was told to leave. The police men asked me if I wanted a ride to the hospital. I took the offer and sat in the back of the car.

"If you didn't find him when you did, he wouldn't have survived."

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