Second Chance - Chapter Two

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Hello Wattpadians,

So thanks to those of you who read my first chapter. Please continue to read and more importantly, let me know what you think!!! Comment away!!! Hopefully it's developing into an interesting story... What do you think?

Sweet as. SEE YA : )




Riley took a deep breath as she pulled into the student parking lot. You can do this Riles. Not a problem. Yeah right... Taking a stance from the Harry Potter series, she had dubbed it the day that shall not be mentioned and had made point to allow herself to do anything she wanted. Anything but fall in love. Shaking her head and turning off the ignition, Riley looked towards the large building that would house her for the next four years of her life. The dormitory looked much as she expected it to be. Looming over her, it housed the majority of undergraduates at the small University of Flinders. She squinted as she set her sight on the entrance and repeated her own personal mantra through her head. Taking a deep breath, she opened her door and stepped out into the sunlight. Looking around she noticed groups of friends greeting each other with great yelps of excitement and hugs that would make the most introverted person alive jealous.

Don't go there Riles she reminded herself. She had been incredibly lucky to get the transfer in time for the second semester considering her late application despite the fact that she didn't know anyone at all. She had also been lucky to get a dorm on such short notice. Her best friend Tayla was only an hour away, and they'd already made plans to catch up as often as possible. She just had to get through these first couple of days. As she made her way to the attached trailer that she borrowed from her parents, Riley felt the slight breeze brush the nape of her neck. Still getting used to it, Riley shivered in a half combination of pride and apprehension. Still unsure of her new haircut she glanced at her reflection in the boot's window. Staring back at her she saw a 20 year old woman. At 5'10 she was taller than most girls with striking green eyes that changed from aqua to forest green depending on what she wore and now held an edge of sorrow. Her now short hair was a dark chocolate brown and had been cut to an edgier style. Once long, it now had a concaved shape with a fringe that brushed over the tip of her reading glasses. She was athletic and kept fit by playing rugby union at a competitive level. In fact, trials were occurring in the next week for the University rugby team known as the Warriors.

Returning back to reality and the task of unpacking her stuff, she grabbed the first bag and made her way to the entrance, preferring to suss out where her room was first before carting everything back and forth. As she was making her way forward, paying more attention to the campus map she now held, she walked straight into someone and heard the crash of something hit the ground.

"Shit! I'm so sorry." Riley said as she dropped her bag and bent over to help pick up items that had fallen out of the now dented box.

"That's okay. I was hardly paying any myself clearly." Her voice was angelic. Riley looked up into a pair of the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. A striking ocean blue, they were framed by luscious mascara coated lashes.

"Uhhh..." Riley stammered. Way to wow her with her master conversational skills. Utter brilliance. She reflected, still mesmerized with the beauty before her. Her gaze drifter lower to full lips and a charming smile that was so perfect, she swore she had seen this woman in a toothpaste ad. Realizing that she was staring like some creepy perve, Riley returned her attention to the dispersed items on the ground and continued to return them to the box, but not before she noticed the amused arch to her eyebrows.

"Again, I'm really sorry." Riley felt the blush rise up her neck and berated herself for getting so nervous around the first beautiful girl she ran in to. Literally. She placed the last object in the box, a worn teddy bear, and stood up, while dusting her hands on her skinny dark blue jeans.

"It's really no big deal. Don't worry." The stranger lent over and placed her delicate hand on Riley's arm to further her point. "It's nothing important and nothing is broken, so no harm, no foul." She reiterated before pivoting her cargo into her left arm while extending her right.

"I'm Morgan." The knockout stated with that disarming smile, which was accompanied by a dimple in each cheek. Her cropped brown hair was artfully styled and had blonde tints strategically placed throughout. She stood at about 5'6 and although she wore skinny jeans and a University jumper, Riley instantly noticed her amazing figure underneath.

"Uhhh..." Riley cleared her throat and quickly moved her bag onto her shoulder before extending her own arm. "I'm Riley." She replied before connecting with Morgan's hand. She instantly felt warmth and felt the blush deepen. What is wrong with you? You used to be able to talk normally to people. She removed her hand and reflexively wiped her palm on the side of her thigh.

Morgan was looking at her inquisitively before she asked, "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before."

"Yeah I am a transfer student. This is my first semester." She shrugged causing the bag to drop down her arm slightly. She hoped Morgan wouldn't ask where she was transferring from and why. She hated talking about it and wanted to start afresh. She had recently found out that Sam had spread a vicious rumour that her parents' had declared bankruptcy which had caused her transfer. Although Tayla knew why she had made the decision to start anew, no one else had and Riley had faced quite a bit of humiliation at the hands of that skank and was forced to find out who her true friends were.

"What are you enrolled in?" Morgan enquired, again flashing those pearly whites.

"Pre-Law." Riley replied again quietly, averting eye-contact once she saw Morgan's eyes widen in surprise. It was rare for someone to be able to transfer mid-semester into such a sought after field. She cleared her voice again struggling to grow comfortable. What was it about Morgan that made her so nervous? She had been around beautiful women before. In fact, since the break up, Riley had sewed her wild oats so to speak and had met all kinds of new people. Forcing her thoughts back on track she asked, "How about yourself?"

"Oh nothing quite as harsh" Morgan joked, with a slight laugh that was musical. "I'm biomedical science."

"Oh right, like that's so much better." Riley joked back. Finally, you manage a semi-normal sentence. 10 points if you can keep this up without putting your foot back in your mouth. "Well, uh, I need to be going... Gotta find my room and get the rest of my stuff there." She finished lamely. She shoots and she... fails. Why couldn't you have managed a suave line or even asked her to for her number or something. Riley continued to condemn herself.

"Oh right. Sorry for holding you up. Well if you ever need anything, I'm over in the Winston dorm." Morgan indicated with her head, as she moved away with a smile and slight wave. Before Riley had the chance to stammer back with some more of her unique brilliance, Morgan paused before looking back. "And I really hope we catch up again..." She winked and walked away, while Riley unashamedly watched her go. Turning back to the entrance, Riley grinned. Maybe it's not so bad after all.

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