Chapter 5

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Episode 5: Why I chose you...

"Ouch ouch ouch" I say and blow my fingertips.

"Seira calm down" I nod and tried to make another pancake.

I hiss in pain as I fail yet another pancake. 

"Seria you need to be faster".

"Seira, you cooked it for so long. You need to pay attention" Fraise says.

"I- I c-can't do it, I g-give up" I say, but then I saw Fraise had a cross symbol on the side of her head.

"I won't let you give up until you made a proper miru crepe. In order to make a good miru crepe you need to believe in yourself." I think I heard that saying before. As she was lecturing me about the importance of cake making. I zone off in her lecture, trying to recall where I heard that saying before.

"Yah are you listening to me" I wake up from my daydream, she looks at me and sighs. I felt sorry for her.

"I'm sorry, I'm like the worst partner to you. I can never do anything right". I say as I bow down my head tears were ready to fall. 

"Seira, you are not the worst partner. You were the reason why I like humans now. You made me change my views on them. When I first saw you practicing I saw talent within you. I can see you in the future becoming one of the most famous patisseries, and I will be the one that will guide you to make that dream come true" Fraise says as her eyes had a determined glow to them. 

"How long have you been watching over me," I ask her. 

"Since you were a child I think you forgot but you saw me before".

Flashback Starts

Fraise POV

Marjoram dragged me out of my room this morning and dragged me to the human world. I didn't care about humans, in fact, I despise them. They rely on us for them to reach their dream. They never have trust in themselves but depend on us Sweets Spirits. Well, that's what I thought until I saw Amano Seira. I look through the window with Marjoram and see her working hard on the Ichigo Tart a famous recipe created by her grandmother Amano Michiko.

"Why did you drag me here," I say to Marjoram.

"Michiko told me that, that girl is going to become a patisserie even better than Michiko."

"So, you're telling me that I should be her Sweet Spirit" I say to her. She nods at me.

"You know how much I hate humans there so dependent" I shout at her, even if she had a status higher than mine. I will never work with a human moreover a kid.

"That is why you need to be her Sweet Spirit. You need to lead her to the career she dreams to be" Marjoram says to me.

"But why me, Vanilla can do the same thing" I question Marjoram.

"When she grows older she will be curious about the Michiko's Ichigo Tart. When that time comes I want you to help her and create an Ichigo Tart or something better" she answers. Marjorman leaves me and I stare at her as she tries to make the Ichigo Tart.

"Why doesn't it turn out the way it did today. I'm using the same ingredients as we did before" I look at Marjoram's owner's grandchild working in the middle of the night to make the Ichigo Tart. I go near her shoulder and whisper to her.

"You need faith in yourself... And you need to think about the person who is going to eat it. If you want them to feel happy when they are eating it, then you must be happy with yourself" 

"I see, thank you god" I giggle.

"I'm not god" I say in my head.

Flashback ended

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