Chapter 4

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"Then this is our goodbye" her eyes widen.

"Wait what."

"After what Kashino-san said, I think maybe becoming a patissiere is not right for me. I'm going to re-think everything" I say to her. The bus came I paid the bus driver the bus fare and flunk myself on a chair. I wave at Ichigo as the bus goes.

I never belonged here... but Ichigo does.


It was still raining when I hopped off the bus. I didn't have an umbrella so my clothes stuck onto my body like glue. My face had a disheartened expression onto it. I walked to the closest flower store and purchased a bouquet of flowers. The rain stopped when I exited the flower store.

The sky was pitch black and the stars were twinkling as brighter than a diamond. I walk into the forest until I came across a house.

There in front of me was a cake shop. This place gives me a lot of memories.

"Its been a long time... Grandma" I whisper.


"Seira what happened to Ichigo" I splash my feet in the river.

"It was her fault, she ripped the doll herself. I didn't do it" I say to my grandmother. I look at my grandmother as she gives me a heart-warming smile.

"Seira what does your sister like" I ponder in thought. What does Ichigo like?

"いちご (strawberry)"I answer.

"Come with me" she grabs my hand and takes me to her garden. She takes me towards her strawberry farm.

"If you raise strawberries one at a time like your own children, they'll become really delicious". I try to comprehend what she said.

"Like your own children...How does that feel" I say to her?

"It feels like a special loving bond like you do with Ichigo, but much stronger," she says to me. I hum at her.

"Here! Try one" she gives me a strawberry. The flavour of the strawberry was sweet and moist. It was addicting and tasted different to the ones mum buys at the supermarket.

"It's delicious Grandma!" I say with delight. 

"Now try this one" she hands me another strawberry. I ate it without hesitation, I was anticipating for the sweet flavour that would pop my tastebuds, but was surprised by the bitterness of the strawberry. I show my grandmother a face of disgust, she laughs at my face.

"Why is it so bitter," I say with my tongue out trying to get rid of the bitterness.

"Wow, it's amazing you can tell. You're so wonderful Seira" I blush at her compliment.

"But Grandma, why do they taste so different even though they grew together" I question her.

"That's because the soil is different. The ones here are planted in a special soil I brought in from another place. Now, which strawberry do you think Ichigo would prefer." I point out at the sweeter strawberry. She collected the chosen strawberries and we head inside and create one of my favourite recipes Ichigo Tart.

Flashback Ended

After I made that recipe Ichigo kept begging me to make more. I giggle.

I walked to the back of my house which connected to a river. This river was where my dreams started.  Next to the river was a grandmother's grave. I gently put the flowers onto her grave and dip my feet into the river. As I get comfortable I pray to my Grandmother.

教えて-  Teach Me (Yumeiro Patissiere FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now