Part One

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     Hi, I'm ArtisticBunny3, or ArtisticBunnyYT, or Kylie Stone. There isn't much to my life. Most of my life is getting bullied, loosing friends, loosing more friends, and loosing even more friends. Last year, I lost a total of 10 friends. Within mu elementary years, I lost 50. People would say bad things about me. They would shudder at the mention of my name. This is one thing I never told anyone, until now.
     One time in 1st grade, the teacher noticed me crying, so she asked me why I was crying. When I told her that nobody liked me, she asked everyone if the liked me. 3 people said yes, but there was sarcasm in their voices. The rest said no. One said hell nah.
     If self esteem was a pizza. My slice of self esteem pizza would be a crumb. I only ever had 3 friends who never yelled at me. And they are all my friends to this day. But, I am still getting hated. People don't get why other people take their own lives. It is because of all of the hate and bullies in this world. Over 100 people commit subside in one year. If you are reading this, stop the bullying now. Stop all of the hate in this world.

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