I got out of the car and we were bombarded by the pap's. "Sam come on get in front of us. I don't want you to get hurt." Before he even finished it I tripped over a paparazzi. I almost lost my phone. Uncle David understood why I had to hang up, so he wasn't too upset. I tried getting up but one grabbed onto my coat. "Get off of me!" Fadi came over to us. "Grab my hand." I grabbed it and he just pulled me out of that mess. "Run and do it as fast as you can!" I held onto my phone and ran towards dad and papa. Fadi followed behind me. Once I got to the door I begged them to hurry up. They did their best and I ran in once the door was opened. I wasn't as panicked as I thought I would be.

I finally got settled in my room, well papa's room. He lied about getting me a bed. I knew why, but I didn't really mind. I called uncle David back. He was a bit less emotional now. "What happened out there?" "We were attacked by the pap's D. I wouldn't have hung up if they weren't there." I saw papa come in. "Hey twenty minutes and then bed." I told David to hold on. "Okay but it's Saturday and eleven." "Dad said so." I got a bit irritated. "He did not say I had to go to bed at eleven twenty, so meh." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Stick that thing back in your mouth. He said to so not my problem. Don't shoot the messenger." I scoffed. "I want to talk more with David." I then yelled at dad. "Do I really have to go to bed in eighteen minutes?" "I said in bed not sleeping. I meant if you were coming down here. But shut that hand held thing off at twelve. I love you." "Fine, and love you too dad." Papa kissed my forehead before handing me a charger cord. "Goodnight, I'll see you later. I love you princess." "I love you too. Could you shut the door please?" He threw his hand in the air and kinda slammed the door.

I had no idea what his problem was. I just ignored it and went back to David. "Sorry papa was being snooty." "That's alright. Hold on just a second I'm getting a call on my phone babe." "Alright D." I saw him answer the phone and his expression drop. "Oh um are you sure it's her? I mean you can't be serious. Can you?" He spoke quietly for a moment and then hung up the phone. "Sam don't tell your father." "Is Abby okay?" He sorta smiled. "Yes she's right here darling. It's about mum." Then I realized the call he got. "Uncle David please tell me she's alright." "Uh I wish I could. They said I was her next of kin. Oh don't tell your father." I was now a little bit mad. "I won't, now what happened to her?" I saw the heartbreak in his eyes. "They told me Carl found her unconscious on the sofa and not breathing. They rushed her to the hospital and pronounced her dead my love. She overdosed on cocaine. The one thing she loved the most killed her. I'm sorry love." "That's not funny. Why would you tell me this?" He looked almost as confused as I was. "I'm not joking...Sam I had to. Please you can't tell dad." "I kinda have to D, it's my job. Please I'll do it in a calm manor okay." "Okay fine but please don't freak out." "I'll try not to." We then agreed I'd call him back when I was finished bearing the news.

I knew it was passed eleven thirty but I didn't care. Dad had to know. So I walked into the living room. "Dad I know it's passed eleven thirty, but I have something important to tell you." He made himself aware of my presence. "Yeah what is it love?" "Mum's dead. Okay bye." I went to go upstairs but ran into Fadi coming into the lounge. "Uh what the hell are you talking about?" "She died okay. They found her not breathing, took her to the ER, then pronounced her dead from a coke overdose. Nothing more to it." I could feel the tears falling off my cheek. "I need to get back to David." Dad motioned for Fadi to grab my arm. "Ow, can you not?" He brought me over to dad. "Sam this isn't something that's funny okay. I'm being serious." I was slightly hurt. "Am I laughing?" "No I suppose you aren't." "Yeah I wouldn't be laughing at someone dying." "When this happen?" I was flustered. "Ca..ca..call David!" He pulled out his phone. Put him on speaker so we could all hear what I had to hear. "I'm assuming you've been informed? I'm sorry George." David was crying again. "I'm sorry too David." Dad went silent for a moment. He almost seemed to not believe what David had been saying. I wouldn't blame him either. I could see dad starting to cry. Fadi and papa just sat there not knowing what to do. I just stood there like an idiot as well. I stood there trying to stop the tears from falling.

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