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I sat outside on the steps watching the other children play around in the glade. It was true, I hadn't many friends at my old school. But at least back home we had libraries in our college that I could escape to. Here in Avonlea, it was very different. Everything here was different, you couldn't go out to shows or libraries. There was only one teacher in Avonlea and Mr Phillips was strange, I think there was something going on between him and Prissy Andrews, one of the older girls. Back in my old school, we had four or five - although none of them were particularly nice.

"What are you thinking about ?" A voice whispered in my ear. I turned, reality catching up to me.

"Nothing of your concern Gilbert Blythe!" I said sternly. He backed away but smiled when he saw that I was joking.

"Oh haha. Well you seemed lonely so I thought I would come and join you. " He grinned, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. No, I barely knew him, this was not happening.

"Sure. Not much else to do here anyway." I replied smiling as he sat next to me. 

"So Eli... Why did you introduce yourself as Eli and not Elizabeth."

"Because I simply hate the name Elizabeth. Anyone who says it sounds like my mother. And that is definitely not a good thing. So last year when I was visiting a friend in Alberta, he suggested I be called Eli as a nickname." He looked at me weirdly before leaning back and putting his hands on his knee. 

"Would he happen to be a boyfriend?" Gilbert asked calmly. I chuckled at the thought.

"Georgie? Boyfriend? Definitely not! He is like a brother to me... A very annoying brother." Gilbert's smile grew wider and he straightened up a bit. 

"Sounds it. Well if you don't mind, would you like to join me for a walk in the woods. I don't like the glare those girls are giving us." I started to nod my head when I heard a voice call me from across the field. Gilbert's face fell, but he smiled still,

"Perhaps another time?" I smiled in response before heading to my cousin, trying not to acknowledge the sinking feeling in my heart.

"What on earth were you doing talking to Gilbert Blythe? Ruby has dibs on him!" Josie Pye said indignantly.

"I don't really mind..." Ruby interrupted shyly. But Josie shot her a glare.

"I'm sorry I didn't realise dibs meant, no talking or even socialising with him. He is rather nice." I spat back. Josie growled before replying.

"Don't think Elizabeth Gillis that I didn't see you exchanging glances with him. You are no longer allowed to speak to him!" I was about to argue back, but then remembered that Josie Pye ran the show around here. I may as well follow her 'rules' as ridiculous as they may be. I turned and walked back to class, just as the bell was ringing. Gilbert was already inside when I was in the foyer.

"Look I don't care who she is or where she came from, a cute girl is a cute girl!" he said, I could almost see his smile from here. He seemed so carefree around the boys who were twice his size.

"Yeah, but no one knows about that weirdo. Where she is from. She could be an orphan or a slave or... American... Elizabeth is a strange girl. I mean from what Josie said..." I froze. Me? Were they talking about me?

"I don't care what Josie said. I think she's nice." 

Till the day I die | G. BlytheWhere stories live. Discover now