"Riddle me this......Everybody has some you can lose some, you can gain some but you cannot live without it what am i?"

I repeat the riddle, "Everybody has some.." "Cannot live without it", Five more minutes until its complete.

"Come ON" The demon growls "I'll make YOU bleed otherwise"

Bleed? BLEED. 

"Blood?" I ask, He snarls again 

"Correct" The blade stays still

"Next... It brings back the lost as though never gone, shines laughter and tears with light long since shone; a moment to make, a lifetime to shed; valued then but lost when your dead. What Is It?"

I breath heavily, Those words, I look over at my brother

"NO CHEATING" The demon yells, I swallow hard, Looking back, My head hurting and my hands shaking slightly,I look back at the demon

"Memories" I say, The demon smiles

"Right" blade moves forward

"HEY" Akashi says

"He took too long" The demon says with a grin

"And you look to ugly" The demon snarls and the blade moves forward again, People gasp, 

"He will die today" The demon says

"That makes two of you" I say, The demon snarls, 10 seconds, Shit, "Wait" I say "How about I give YOU a riddle" I smile "Or are you too dumb?" The demon snarls again 

"Fine" It says I smile 

"The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?" It smile turns into a thin line as it thinks, 

"Hmm" He says, "I don't like that one do another" I smile

"Nope, that just means you lose at you're own game" He snarls, Thinking for another second before smiling, 

"Darkness" He says, I frown

"Fucker" I say, 

"I GET TO KILL HIM NOW" He says, The blade moves, I smile, It bounces off of thin air. "W-what?" He says when he realises Akashi is uninjured, Akashi alls to his knees, He stands, he can move good, The demon steps forward and light flashes, Burning into him,  He screams as I run over to Akashi, 

"Fucking riddles" I say, The light dissipates and The demon looks towards me


"I'm Not one to PLAY with demons, I prefer killing them" I say, Akashi pulls me back, The demon smiles

"Kuroko, Tetsuya. The hunter but the hunted" He snarls, I can feel Akashi moving behind me, 

"I don't see what you mean," The demon laughs and steps forward

"He'll always haunt you, You can never escape him" He says It was about to say something else but a pair of scissors found its way into its Jaw, It screams in pain. The room fills with light again and Akashi stands next to me. The light dissipates and the demons in front of me, Dagger to my neck, A sphere around us Akashi on the outside, "Oh How I would love to kill you right now" He says, pressing the weapon against my neck, I can feel the blood, My blood. "But He wouldn't like that, Tell me" He pauses "Do you fear death?" It asks, I smile, Bringing my leg up and kicking it away, The sphere drops, 

"Never, Death doesn't mean the end" I say, "Besides, Death smiles at everyone, It is only the brave that smile back," I say, These are the words I've lived by, I can see Aomine smiling at me, He remembers

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