Untitled Part 2

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(prompt: A Spell On You) (I tried to mimic Peebee's internal voice with the narrator, sorry if it makes anyone dizzy) 

Peebee paced around her pod, gesticulating and talking to herself - that, one might argue, was not out of the ordinary. But this was no ordinary Peebee weirdness. She wanted to do something for Scott. Something special, no! Something extra special. It had to blow his mind off, yes, blow it to... they were already in space, so up! up! Further! She digressed. She needed to focus. Scott mentioned liking that Halloween thing humans seemed to love so much, dressing up, drinking, parties and food- she liked that celebration already! But they were in Andromeda, and finding Halloween stuff was proving to be exceptionally complicated, very, even for her, a wonderful explorer, mighty... she was rambling again, she needed to calm her brain down. 

The thing was, Halloween was almost on her ass, and she hadn't been able to come up with something. She, the master planner, the builder of impossible things, was defeated by a human celebration. She kicked a pile of blueprints, blueprints for the party, scattered like her mind, like her stupid, stupid brain, brilliant sometimes, but stupid. She bit her lip, forcing herself to focus again.

She grunted. She took a sip of filtered water, then spat it. The thing was probably filtered piss, she was tired of drinking piss, didn't they have beer somewhere? Vetra, Vetra had some hidden under her bed, inside a big bear plushie. She'd seen it the last time she was there, asking about decorations, decorations not even the best smuggler in the initiative could find. Maybe she could go to Reyes, but Reyes fancied Scott, that could prove a problem, or an advantage, or... her brain hurt, she was thinking too fast. 

Maybe she'd take Drack's help, after all, the guy knew how to cook stuff, lots of stuff, cakey sweet stuff they could turn into Halloween food. Yes, food. Food, and drinks, Vetra's stash. She wouldn't mind, it was for a good cause, she liked Scott too, right? Everyone liked Scott, of course, she liked Scott. Even the doctor liked Scott, that prissy prim blue little stuck up... yes, everyone liked Scott. She liked him, a lot, but she didn't want him to know she liked him a lot-lot, just some, she didn't need complicated, complicated hurt, it was... complicated. It ruined things. She didn't want to make things. Making things would show care, dedication. She looked at the blueprints again, the proof of her dedication. She'd have to airlock them later, maybe she could airlock herself to avoid feeling things, complicated things.

Argh, what had Scott done to her? She, the lone wolf, the devil may care explorer of the stars... was under a spell. A complicated, messy, scary love spell. He and his lovely sunny disposition had put a spell on her. All smiles and nice things, and soft skin and perfect hair. 

She fell flat on her makeshift bed.

Maybe she'd let Suvi take care of things, after all. She was too exhausted to deal with it, maybe some other time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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