Chapter 12

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A/N Okay, so I know it's a little confusing when I skipped 10 years of 4tris' life. But understand, they were too young to have a baby at 17 and 18 to me. So I skipped, because it's always better with a child ;)


(At the apartment, four years later. I know I'm skipping around, but its all for Cassie. FYI Tris=31 Tobias=32)

"I have to go train the initiates. You just stay here with the princess and relax." Tobias says, kissing me on the cheek. I'm really happy with my new job. Training initiates is really fun. It also helped me get rid of my fear of intimacy, by replacing it with a fear of Ray.

Ray didn't even make the initiation because he had WAY too many fears himself. Now I don't know where I'm at with the whole fear thing, in a way I am very confused. I haven't been back in my fear landscape for 3 years. I'm not sure I want to start now.

Cassie waves goodbye and says in a still baby voice, "Bwye Dadadaaddad."

She is so sweet and can talk, but often doesn't unless she feels the need to. For some reason she is very shy. But she always is friendly with Tobias and I.

I'm hoping that she will come out of her shell sometime soon. She won't be like this forever. Hopefully.

"Tris. Tris, are you in there?" Tobias says. I guess I had spaced out or something. 

"Yeah. I was just thinking. You better go." I say. He walks over to me and I hand him Cassie. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, and then we embrace into a huge family hug. I was secretly kissing Tobias goodbye also.

"Alright, goodbye." I say. And with that, he put Cassie back in my arms where I held her protectively, and left out the door.

"So Cassie what would you like to do today?" I ask her, trying to have her say a sentence of importance.

"Haiw wif Cwisty, dewn beawch."  (Hair with Christy, then beach. Christina.) She replies. She said almost a full sentence, and I was so proud of her I told her I would also take her for icecream before the beach.

After that she beamed with pride and we left to go find Christina because Cassie loves her so much she calls her Aunty Christy. Although it comes out Awnteey Chwisteey. And Christina also does her hair.Why Cassie adores that, I'll never know.


"Awh. There's my little princess. Ready for magical fairytale princess hair-do today?" Christina says when we knock at the door. 

"YEEAAAHHH." She says really loud. She loves that hair-do.

"Okay, Tris you know the deal." Christina says. I walk inside, and sit down on Christina's bed. Then I shield my eyes and turn away. I'm not allowed to look until she's done. 


 "Okay. Ready." Christina says, and I turn around uncovering my eyes. Cassie had a different hairdo this time.

She had her dirty blonde curly hair straightened, and Christina cut it into a bob around her head. She had little braids starting from the top of her head going all the way down, and they were dyed blues and greens. Then Christina had stuck little purple flowers through the braids.

"Don't worry. They aren't permanent!" Christina assures me.

"What pewnament?" Cassie asks. 

"When something stays forever." I say.

"So wou and daddy awe pewnament wight?" She asks.

I smile at her greatly and giggle. "Yes mummy and daddy are forever." I say.

"Why don't we grab some icecream and then go suprise daddy at his job instead. We can go to the beach some other time." I suggest and Cassie nods. I thank Chrisina and we head towards the icecream place.

We end up just getting strawberry, and we head towards Tobias.


A/N Okay I just want to thank you guys for the 1k. It makes me so happy to know people actually read it because up until now I thought no one read my story, and I thought it was crappy. But you guys proved me wrong. It makes me so happy. I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but I had no energy and no ideas for a couple of days so I wrote this chpter as fast as I could. Thank you so much for all your support, more updates coming soon. XOXOXOOXXOXOXO -Emma

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