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A/N Okay, so I've decided that maybe I will make another book. I don't really know what genre it should be, so if you want me to keep writing this book as my only book, let me know. Or I could do a book of poems, one for each day. Or another fanfic, or my own fiction! Please help me choose....



(Back at the apartment)

"Mmmm, this is so good!" I say, taking another bite of my chocolate cake. We had already had our main course of food, so it was dessert time.

"Yeah. But it kinda gets old after a couple years." Tobias says.

I frown, and lick my lips. The chocolate was still so different from what I was used to, even though I'd already been in Dauntless for a year.

"Yeah, but much better than any Abnegation food!" I say.

"Yeah." He says in a dull voice. "We have to go back into our fear landscapes today." He shrugs. He picks up another piece of chocolate cake, and when he tries to eat it, the cake slides off his fork.

He sighs and gets up and throws his cake away. He takes mine too. We were not speaking, because we both know how bad fear landscapes can be.

"Why?" I ask, the question hanging in the air.

Tobias just sighs and says, "We are. Just like last year. I want to see if anything has changed."

"So, it's just you and me?" I say, hoping no one else is actually coming.

"That's the plan." He responds. I wasn't really sure if he was being optimistic or pessimistic.

He walks to the door and gestures for me to follow. "Now?" I ask. He nods and off we go.

(In Tris' fear landscape.)

"Okay. So we've been in all your normal fears. But I counted only have six fears. Which means this is your last fear..." Tobias gives me a concerned look as he calculates.

Last I was afraid of was him making love to me... how does this work out if he's with me? But then something odd happens.

In walks the boy known as Ray. He takes his shirt off and walks toward me. He grabs my hands, and they instantly knot together. I try to break free, but of course I can't.

He pushes me to the wall and a whip instantly appears in his hand. I look to Tobias, my eyes pleading for help, as I could not speak.

What I see is him dodging darts as they fly toward him. Once pierces him on the tip of his ear, and he quickly starts to turn pale.

Then Ray tries to kiss me, but I successfully push him back. He firmly grabs my arms, between the elbow and shoulder. His grip was like the strength of three gorillas combined, pinning me against the wall, my back turned toward him.

My nose pressed against the wall, I look out of the corner of my eye to see Tobias on the ground. Then Ray gets a new idea. Immediately, he makes Tobias stand up. Ray forces the whip into my hand, and pushes me over to Tobias.

"Die. Or another option which you are smart enough to figure out by now." He sneers, holding a knife to my throat. I know what I must do.

I raise the whip over my head, and when I start to pull it down on Tobias, he looks up at me. His pleading deep blue eyes melt my soul, and I instantly pull the whip down. (Didn't hit Tobias)

I suddenly twirl around, and slam the whip over Ray's bare chest. He drops to the floor.


"That was new." I say, after the whip incident my fear landscape ended.

"What was the old one?" He asks.

'Oh, uhm,,,um...just having to swipe spiders off my body." I quickly cover up. For some reason I just can't talk about the old one...


A/N So, the votes have been tallied. But, I'm not telling you until next chapter...heheh...*Devil face*        SOOO THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE 430 READS I LUV YOU ALL!!!!!!

Seriously though, thanks for all the comments and votes!! We just need to make it to 1K, and then I will bless you with a pack of chapters, and also a surprise...

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