05 | panties

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She is cheating on me, I thought sorrowfully as I looked at the love and mate of my life. The only sixteen-year-old I had ever imprinted on in my miserable and dragging life.

Jessica White.

There she stood, in her long cape and her witch hat, talking animatedly with the watchman as if he paid for her breast implants.

I was the one who paid for them because she wanted them to look like Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Now as I lurked in the shadows and watched her talk about house maintenance, I seethed in silent agony.

Was I not good enough for her to talk about house maintenance?

Shaking my head, I got to making dinner. After the Mac&Cheese incident, I went on a long and insightful journey of self-discovery that made me become a devout feminist.

Now I did not let Jessica enter the kitchen for all the times a woman had to cook for her man. I'd rather be called pussy-whipped then get food poisoning again. Granted, I could probably tell Jessica to just 'go to YouTube and watch Jamie Oliver and fucking learn something you uncultured swine' but I loved her too much.

As I heard the front door slam shut, I decided I would give her the silent treatment and become a brooding asshole because fuck trust-based communication. It's not like I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Who else will contribute to the 40-50% divorce rate in America?

If I wasn't serving in the army, this is the least I can do to serve my country.

"Hiya, honey-bear, do you need help with cooking?" Her sweet voice drifted in my ears.

I growled and shook my head.

The full moon was near so my part-time werewolf was showing himself.

"I love you." She reminded me but I didn't reply, breaking her heart into pieces.

I cannot believe that I fell for her. This-this lying, cheating scumbag! The human race is just so slutty!

She is no different from my ex-girlfriend! Why does this always fucking happen to me?

"Look Ace, if you don't fucking talk, I'll just find a much nicer guy to marry and while you drown yourself in work and become a millionaire and then when you find out that I did not cheat on you, it would be too late! I would've already pooped out a few babies with him -- or her depending on how efficient science is by then."

"Yeah but then you'd become my personal secretary in my multi-billionaire firm and the romance will spark again after a few chapters of sexual tension so it'll be all well."

She made an O with her mouth and laughed in mirth. Sometimes we forgot that main characters are perfect and it's our side hoes who get robbed and die.

Silly us!

"Now, lets got to bed early so our cook can clean up because we have school tomorrow."

I nodded and stood up, stretching so just a strip of my skin can make her chuck her purity ring away and jump me.

"No, you sleep on the bed."

"No, you sleep on the bed."

"No, you sleep on the bed."

"No, you sleep on the bed."

I don't know why we were arguing when it was mentioned in the last chapter that I lived in a penthouse.

Surely my house would have more than one bedroom.

Well anywhore, in the end we both decided to sleep on the bed because we were sensible human beings for the most part and we loved each other too much.


Jessica White's POV

"BABE HURRY THE FUCK UP WE'RE GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL!" Ace shouted from outside as I looked at my ugly reflection in the mirror.

My Nazi looks seriously needed to die!

I sobbed and banged my head against the wall before putting a smile on my face for Ace Leon aka my fiance.

Yes. He proposed as soon as he heard that I had cheated on him with a hotter Ace who turned out to be gay.

Something about wanting to keep me on a leash...

But it was sooo romantic that I nearly died and then we totally had sex but I'm still a virgin. I think. I'm still not sure if Ace had a penis or vagina and I don't want to ask.



Good riddance.

I yelped and bounded down the stairs towards him.

"Oh, my poor baby! You look so sick! Why don't we stay at home because in this story the school won't fine us for missing so many important classes."

Ace aka my fiance smirked at me as mirth sparkled brightly in his eyes.

"Oh, I am fine, babe. It's you who I'm worried about." He smirked again.

I gasped and backed away from him. He didn't.

"You didn't!" I whispered harshly.

"Oh, yes I did."

And with that, he turned into a bat and flew away like Peter Pan into the night.

I looked down.

Oh, lmao!

I thought he had taken away my phone or something!

The naughty knave just stole my panties!


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