I grab a glass of wine and stood right next to the table and observed every idol my eye catches. Balls, parties, occasions that are so formal are just not for me.

“Konbanwa, my lady.” A 185 cm tall guy approached me. He has ash-brown hair, styled in a way similar to Shinomiya. He wears glasses with thick black rims and his eyes are purple. His attitude towards me is pretty much like Jinguji… trying to get the attention of the lady. I cocked one of my eyebrows as I twirled my glass of wine making the liquid move in a circular motion.

“Ootori Eiichi.” He held out his hands. I recognized him upon hearing his name. He’s the leader of Heavens of Raging entertainments. I held on to his hand and he gently shook it, my eyes widened as he pulled me closer to him.

“…and my lady?” He asked, still holding on to my hand. “Saito Yuki.” I simply answered. A smirk formed in his face. “I heard a lot about you.” He said in his high and mighty tone. “Saito Yuki… currently a member of Shining Entertainment Master course.” He said head held high. I smiled despite my irritation. He’s so boastful it makes me wanna kick him. “How about this.” He trailed off. I look up at him trying to show interest on what he was about to say. “Why don’t you-…”

“Yuki” He was cut off, I turned around and saw Ichinose approaching us. I looked back at Eiichi and even though he’s smiling I can see that he’s a bit irritated that Ichinose cut through his talk.

“… save me a dance.” He continued while looking at Ichinose. “Okay.” I simply answered. He looked at me then smirked and before he leaves he turned his gaze to Ichinose. He’s a weird guy and I don’t like him, seriously.

“Boastful as ever, I see…” He mumbled then looked at me. “Don’t get involve with him.” He added. I returned my gaze to Eiichi, who’s currently flirting with other female idols. I asked Ichinose, “Why is he the center of attraction around here?” I just noticed that he entertains every idol that he gets to bump with.

“Raging Entertainment owns this place.” He simply answered. My eyes widened in awe, I never knew that Raging entertainment owns such a luxurious palace. Ichinose looked at me and smiled. “I’ll leave you for now Yuki. You can eat whatever you want here.” He said as he pointed at the long table full of goods. I nodded in response. Once again I’m all alone. I stared at the table and one pastry caught my attention. A brown bread that has bits on it… fruit cake. I grab one slice of it and settled it in a saucer. I started nibbling on it and find it quite addicting. I can’t really tell how many times I went back for it. I’m beginning to feel a little light headed and happy.

“Guessing you like the fruit cake huh?” I turned to see that stupid Eiichi again. I smiled at him sincerely… wait… sincerely?

“Can I have my dance?” He asked as he approached me. I tried to walk and approach him myself but my feet are a bit wobbly and I almost lost my balance, good thing that his fast enough to catch me just in time.

“That pastry is infused with alcohol, and it looks like you’re a bit drunk from eating too much.” He said then smirked. He doesn’t look like he cared to me.

Thanks… and oh. Don’t smirk at me, it’s a bit annoying.” I uttered without my awareness. He smiled and guided me to the dance floor. It’s a slow dance and I can keep up a bit. I’m not that drunk but not that okay either. We started dancing and he opened up a conversation. It was just a simple question and answer conversation, he’ll ask and I’ll answer honestly. Getting bored at it, I turned my gaze to the other ‘couples’ who’s dancing with us. My eyes widened at the sight of Mikaze being one of those ‘couples’. I rolled my eyes as I returned my gaze to my partner’s eyes. He’s currently talking about himself and their accomplishments which was pretty much boring, so I decided to just pretend that I’m listening but the truth is my mind is currently occupied by the sight that I just saw.

I’m still aware about our situation, Mikaze and I, but I can’t say that I’m not jealous. I don’t even have the right to be jealous. According to him I’m just his ‘stupid underling’. The sudden thought of it makes my healing heart break again.

Eiichi noticed my displeased expression and stopped the conversation. He smirked and talked about something else.

“You’re a newbie and under the care of what Saotome calls ‘Pioneering Princes’.” I didn’t respond and kept my gaze to where Mikaze is. “You know you have talent, I’m also aware of that. I heard a lot about you being the highest ranked idol at the Saotome Academy. I can say, I’m really impressed.” Still ignoring him. He came closer to me and whispered, “You can transfer to Raging Entertainment any time you want.” That caught my attention. I looked at him with my eyebrows knitted in confusion. He smirked at me and that irked me. “I really am troubled knowing that such idol with such a unique talent is under the care of such a crummy supervisor. Whoever that is.” I glared at him. “Really, you’d be more outstanding if you’re guided by a much more talented senior, such as myself.” That vexes me more. How can he insult my senior in front of me?! He doesn’t even know who my senior is. I stopped dancing and pulled my hand away from him.

“Don’t insult Mikaze-senpai in front of me.” I uttered loudly, making other neighboring couples look at us. “Oh, so the robot is your senior. Now that’s more pathetic” He uttered with a bit of chuckle accompanying it. I clenched my fist and my insides are getting hot. Insulting Mikaze in front of me is just unacceptable. I held my hands up and slapped him. Every idol present looked at our direction.

“Mikaze-senpai is a lot better robot rather than a boastful person like you!” I shouted, but I really didn’t mean that Mikaze is a robot. I just said it so that he’d be more offended being compared to a robot. Silence lingered in the entire vicinity.

He grinned and looked at me; his hand is covering his cheek that I slapped a while ago.

“Fine, then prove it to me.” His eyes glimmering with such dreadful anticipation. “Let’s have a bet.”

I glared at him and waited for his next say.

“Yuki, what you’re doing is unnecessary.” Mikaze uttered in monotone. He’s currently a few steps behind me. I didn’t give a damn about his opinion.

“Continue.” I said as I waited for his motion. He grinned.

“Uta-shin…” My eyes widened. “I challenge you to the upcoming battle royal for the uta-shinguru award.”

The vicinity suddenly overflowed with soft whispers and murmurs. “Yuki, stop it.” Mikaze ordered in a calm manner. I didn’t listen and just continued my death glare competition with Eiichi. “Yuki, don’t” This time it’s Ichinose who’s stopping me.

“What if I win?” I asked. “If you win… I’ll admit that I’m wrong and I’ll even praise your robot in public.”  “Stop calling Mikaze a robot!” I shouted but he dismissed my argumentation. “…and if you lose, you’ll transfer in our agency and you’d be mine.” Disgusting

This is one hell of a decision making. The other idols that are waiting for my answer are pressuring me just by looking. Whatever decision I’ll make here can never be taken back. If I decline I’d be considered a coward and my reputations will definitely go down. No need to mention that the name of my agency will also be affected. If I’ll accept and loose, I’d be transferring to Raging entertainment and be with this lunatic for the rest of my entire idol life. I definitely don’t want that. I narrowed my eyes at him as I came to my decision.

I felt someone held on to my shoulders. I turned around to see Mikaze’s blank expression. “Decline.” He simply uttered. My eyes widdened. Even my senior doubts me. I glared at him and turned to Eiichi.

“I accept!”

“Yuki, you don’t need to do this.” Mikaze uttered. Yeah,his right. Why the hell am I doing this for a person who can only see me as a stupid underling? I smiled bitterly. Maybe it’s just true that...

one is crazy when in love.

“Your career depends on this.” He added. “Butt off.” I murmured. I slowly took his hand off my shoulder and turned to face him. I smiled at him bitterly “Why do you care?” I grinned. “I’m just your stupid underling.” After saying that I walked off not knowing where to go in this huge place. I just wanted to be alone right now.

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