chapter 11

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When the girls went back to the huntsclan hideout. The hunmaster went in their room.

Rose: yes master
Jazz: what can we do for you master?
Huntsmaster:where were you two?
The two of them looked at each other.
Rose: we were looking for the American Dragon.
Huntsmaster: All day ?
Jazz: yes master.

Huntsmaster nodded while lenning against the door frame.

Huntsmaster: Alright,..then why don't I believe you?I'm going to you again where were you!?
Jazz:we are telling the truth.
Huntsmaster: that's how you want it to be. Ok

Huntsmaster walked to the bed were jazz was sitting at and toke a wrip  out of his robe.
He looked at her then Rose . Rose had fear all over her face.

( see the huntsmaster knows that rose will do anything for Jazzlyen, so he uses her get answers out of rose when they are hiding something. He would advise her. )

Huntsmaster: tell me where were you two?
Rose:we are telling you the truth! She cried.
Huntsmaster: still want to do the hard way alright.
He grabbed the wrip and got up pulling Jazzlyen in the middle of the room and smacked it into her side.
Rose standing by Jazzlyen's  bed covered her mouth with her hands. As she heard her friend cry out in pain.
Jazzlyen let out a loud cry when the wrip made contact with her skin.
Huntsmaster:where were you?
Rose:we already told you!
He wriped her again five times, she was already on the floor.
Then looked at rose "bandage her up"then left.
Rose did what she was told then he back with handcuffs ,he went to Rose and handcuffed her to her bedpost then did the same with Jazz.
Jazz: no please.she cryed
Huntsmaster:if you don't want me to then tell me where were you.
Rose:we already told you! Not stop please!
Huntsmaster started to rape her while they screamed for him to hour later he stopped and tooked the handcuffs off and left them to cry.
After he left rose ran to jazz and hugged her and sanged song to her to her sleep.

Rose: always,I promise I'll protect you.she kissed her on the forehead.
In Rose's dream

Jake: tomorrow my grandpa what's you to bring jazz to his shop.
Rose:I don't know.
Jake:he wants to meet her.
Rose looked down and could inmidely tell that something was wrong.
Jake:rose what's wrong?
He took her hands in his.
Rose: Jazzlyen
Jake: what is she okay? With a worred face
Rose: huntsmaster knew we were lying to him.he abuses her to get answers from me and her .
.............................................................In Jazzlyen dream

Female voice: hello child
Jazz looked around and saw that she was sitting in a middow with a lake nearby.
Jazz:who are you? Where are you?
Female voice: I you can call me your gradian angle or Willow .
Jazz:why Willow?
Female voice: it was my grandmother's name.
What's wrong child?
Jazz: my abuses me when we lie to him, but we can't tell him the truth it will my family in danger. I don't want to do Willow?
Willow :Al I can tell you is 🎵listen  to your heart then you will understand🎵 .
Jazz : i don't understand?
Jazzlyen tried to listen but understand.
Willow: 🎵listen to your heart then your understand🎵
Then she tried again she cleared her head and focused hard.
Jazz: it's saying something coming, something bad and evil.
She felt a gush of wind against her. she opened her eyes and got up.
Willow: what do you see child?
Jazz:A  dark shadow shape of an animal.
Willow: what type of animal?
Jazz: it looks like a dragon.
Willow: it can't be.
Jazz: what Wrong?
Willow: The dark dragon.
Rose: jazz
Jazz looked around the middow and saw that it was disappearing .
Jazz: what's happening?
Willow: don't worry,we see each other again in your dreams.
Rose: jazz wake up.
Jazzlyen awoke and saw Rose to her.
Rose: we got to go see your grandfather.
Jazz:at 2:30 in the morning? confused look at rose.
Rose:yes now,or you want go through though that I suggest we leave now.
Jazz: no,I'm getting dressed.she panicly and got out of bed with rose up.
"You know we still can get a lot of trubble for this"
Rose:I know, but if its the only way to help be with if you're family. Than so be it.
Jazzlyen decided to tell Rose about on the way.

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