24. Weight Lifting Sim.

Start from the beginning

29. ^^ When you think that "that person must have colored themselves to look like hulk while they were a stick"

30. When a GUEST is more buff than you are

31.  When you KNOW there are hackers because the person who recently beat you up is now the biggest dude on the sever. Like no thanks

32. When you go to beat up a stick and they run like the WIND LIKE HOLY SHIT BULLS-EYE

33. When you see the speed-hackers brawling 

34. When the speed hackers are running on the beach

35. When you go to make a problem and you're dead. In deadly spawn. 

36. When the game allows people to spawn kill you and you can't work out.

37. When you can't. Escape. The sticks. 

38. When the buff people faceplant and roll around on the ground

39. When a stick is in Big Boy Beach and they're just passed the line and you can't bEAT THEM UPPPP

40.  When you need to stop your workout because your girlfriend is stopping you from doing your wORK. WHICH IS THIS STORY I LOVE YOU ALL 

41. When you realize, while making problems, your creepy stalker was your psychotic ex boyfriend and are now working out to beat him up. Digitally. 

42. When a nice small-head doesn't beat you up <3

43. When you don't feel safe in the middle of the crowd so you can't make problems

44. When you can't escape the damn spawn because there's so many beefy dudes

45. When you're scared because everyone is beating each other up and you don't want to die today 

46. When you escape the work out floor and you can't go back until you have enough mass to defend yourself 

47. When you see a beefy beefer explode and laugh

48. When you're about to beat up a speed hacking stick and they leave >.<

49. When your mouse is very loud, and clicking in order to lift weights wakes your whole family up. 

50. When you want to stay up til 11:11 so you lift weights until it changes to that time xD

51. When you get beaten up but you're in the corner of the map gRR

52. When you come back after making a problem and your head had flown half way across the map. Goddang sticks. 

53. When you teach your friend to play and guard them when the speedy sticks come along and threaten to punch them with meditation 

54. When you're soooo dang buff your head is as small as your fingernail. And your hands are the size of a 9 year old's. (I'm 5 days away from being 15 too) 

55. When Flowr refuses to make problems because she constantly gets beaten up 

56. When Flowr refuses to make problems because she cannot get buff

57. When Flowr refuses to make problems because she cannot leave spawn.

58. When Flowr refuses to make problems because she constantly gets killed 

59. When Flowr refuses to make problems because she needs to do her damn homework and not lift weights. 

60. When Flowr refuses to make problems because she doesn't like the game. 


I used the wrong game. Frick. 




oh jesus christ 


1. When you accidentally join the rumble 

2. When you spawn on a giant hulk who has his fists out

3. When you start as a stick but not as sticky as Running Sim. 

4. When you get muscles FAST AS FUUUCK LIKE HOLY HELL 

5. When you're having a panic attack so you go and lift weights out of stress

6. When you lift weights out of anger

7. When a stick one-shots you 

7.5. When the stick is hacking. 

8. When you face your friend in the rumble

9. When you wonder why the hell the rumble is "royal" when no one in that game is a queen or a king. Or royalty. They're all muscly little headed freakshows. 

10. When you're not in the rumble but it's still telling you "Hey, this is who's fighting, because you're sitting under a tree and we must tell you"

11. When you see you gained 4 muscle points in one lift and you get confused at first and try to repeat what you did, thinking that was what did it.

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