12. Apocalypse Rising!

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(Squeals because it's finally time to release the problems of my fAVORITE GAME!
Also we're going to review AR2 probably the day/week/month/soon after it comes out)

This game 

It's my new favorite 

I have found my favorite youtuber because of this :D

and never before have I loved a game this much 

Well I loved Choices <3 . (Post-edit... I think I lost the problems to that??) 

But yeah (But yeah...)


Flowr and I played this game for... ever. For forever. We will never stop playing it I WILL MAKE SURE OF THATT 

ANYway, from Green CAHHH to the CURSES, we documented it all 



1. When your friend doesn't know how to control her computer so she's gonna die

2.  When you spawn at the edge of the map

3.  When someone kills you instead of the ZOMBIES

4. When a zombie sneaks up behind you 

5. When there's a huge group of people coming but you just gotta grab that box of cheeze-its 

6.  When your gun won't show up in your hand

7.  When the rifle is taller than you

8.  When your heart rate goes to 1000000 beats per second because two people double teamed you

9.  When you stand on a roof and people come and attack you

10. When your friend fires off a gun accidentally and you scream

11.  When you hear a car and you bolt for the nearest house

12.  When you make fanart for a game when you can't travel in game

13.  When you see a car go by, your friend dies, and you two scream for 5 minutes

14. When your dad comes in like 0_0 and you're screaming "A TERRORIST IS ATTACKING DAD I CAN'T TALK NOW!"

15.  When you accidentally pull your flash light out instead of your gun
"Oka- no that's a flashlight, OKAY I GOT MY GUN!"

16.  When a game causes you to scream like you're dying

17.  When you can make puns about the many times you've died

18.  When you stay on the "pick a map" screen because the music sounds so good

19. When you try to open a door and you end up phasing half way through it

20.  When your gun has a mind of its own

21.  When you find Bide but you die....
In their Hospital 

22. When you see someone coming after you so you quit the game cause the stuff you had was too good

23.  When your friend is killed but you climb into a helicopter and they spare you

24.  When you really want to raid Kin but you see like 7 zombies and you say "Ummm not while I'm going solo..."

25.  When you think you hear static and freak the f**k out because YOU'RE NEAR KIN AND PATIENT ZERO!!

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