Just an Average Girl

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I was fourteen on the night i tried to commit suicide. All these voices in my head were getting to become to much for my little mind to handle. I was so fed up with the lies and all of the weight that i was carrying upon myself. When I got home from school on   Friday September 17th , 2014 .. I went to my room and i cried. I didn't think that people could be so damn mean... but, turns out i was wrong. School had started a couple weeks before and i already want i to end. While crying on my room that afternoon i sat there and thought about all the things people had said to me that day. I told myself that i was stupid and that i don't deserve this life. 7:00 came around and my sister Maria had just gotten home from work.  She heard me screaming and yelling and she told me that i had to calm down , but i refused. I kept on throwing my things across the room. Sooner then later my mom came home at 9:30 and she tried to calm me down but it didn't work i kept on and on. I feel asleep  and i woke up on Saturday September 18th ,2014 and i picked up my blade and i just kept cutting and crying. While i was cutting i was listening to my favorite twenty one pilots.  I kept cutting and cutting my sleeves were stained red by the time i got up to my vein i instantly stopped. Someone or something stopped me. I looked up and i saw a shadow that appeared to be a woman standing there saying " hush i am here for you." I was so scared but I didn't know what to do so I  just stopped. I looked down at my bleeding arms and I asked myself " What the hell are you doing Sam.?" After  awhile I found myself and I grabbed my tablet and i started watching " How  to deal with pain" by Salice Rose. 

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