Wrong bathroom

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The lights were colorful and flashing with white and red as I walked into the party. There was a table at the front of the gymnasium, which had a cake, drinks, and food. Me and Lori had a few dances until I had to go to the bathroom. She nodded.

I slid open the bathroom door. Surprisingly flourished with the smell of perfume. I walked over to the mirror and looked. I was a mess. My bun was matted and messy. I shook it a bit and decided to leave it. When I crouched down for my makeup bag, a man walked in. I turned around hesitantly and said "This is the girls bathroom." He just stared at me. The thing is, he didn't even look like a teenager. A grown man, that's who. He didn't belong. I quickly spun around, looking into the mirror.

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