Chapter 15

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Hansung's POV:

What the... where am I?

I thought to myself as I continue to walk around in pitch black darkness.

The last thing I remember was practicing the choreography with Jhope and Jimin. But I'm pretty sure I passed out, and thats why I'm here? No matter how much I walk, I can't tell if I'm walking forwards or backwards. "HELLO?!" I decided to scream as loud as I could. For some reason there was an echo.

"Is somebody there?!" I heard my own voice yell back at me. Why do I hear my own voice? "Please answer!!" I heard the voice again. Soon after that, I heard footsteps walking closer and closer to me. "Can you please keep talking, I need to hear your voice to find you" he said.

"Oh, ok" I replied. "It's seems like I'm really close" he said. He was right, his voice sounded like it was very close. Just then, I felt something grab onto my wrist. "I found you!!" he screamed.

As soon as his voice began to echo, the pitch black darkness started to light up. I rubbed my eyes, only to open them up to see a field of green grass. This is the field Sun Woo and I were training in...before V and I switched.

"Oh! Are you Hansung?" I heard the voice ask. I turned around only to see myself? No wait, is that V?

"Are you V?" I asked. He just smiled. "Yesss I am, you're Hansung, right?" he asked, sounding very happy, for some reason. "Wah, we look exactly alike, except for the hair" he said. "How did you end up in the place?" V asked. "I'm not really sure, I passed out and ended up there" I stated.

"Well, thats unfortunate..." he trailed off. "How did you get here?" I asked V, who continued to observe the nearby surroundings.

"Well, I've been here ever since we switched" V said. "But we haven't switched in a while" he continued. " By the way, have you come in contact with any water?" he asked. V likes to talk a lot, I'll keep that in mind. "Water? I don't think s-" I cut myself off.

I remembered what happened at the pool... 

"Actually I-" I started. 

"V, wake up..." I heard Jungkook's voice. "Did you hear that?" V asked. "Yeah, I did" I replied. "Look at your hand" V said pointing at my hand, that was now disappearing. "Wait, why am I going back" I asked,  "I don't know..." V said,  before I was gone.

Jungkook's POV

"This is why we should've ended practice" Jhope nagged, while I continued to watch over V. He's been out for half an hour already. This the first time I have ever seen V collapse while practicing.I find it very strange though.

Don't get me wrong. V works very hard at what he does, but what made him push himself this much?

As I continue to trail off into my own thoughts, I didn't notice V waking up. "Tae's awake!" I heard Jimin's voice from behind me. "Really?!" Jhope said after him. I looked over to V, who was slowly getting up from the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked V, who looked spaced out. He just slowly turned his head towards me, and said: "I'm sorry..." . He suddenly got up from the bed, and started walking towards the door. "Yah, where are you going? Its too late to go anywhere" Jhope said. However V just replied with: "I just want to get some fresh air".

The 3 of us looked at each other. "Don't take too long" Jimin said, before V left. I should probably follow him.

Hansung's POV:

I just need to find water... V needs to switch back... But why am I so selfish?

I thought to myself as I made my way down to the "lobby". Once I was there, I walked out to the back of the hotel to get to the pool.

"Wah, its so pretty" I quietly said to myself. Too bad this is probably the first and last time I'll see it...

Nobody was here, since it was already late in the night, which I guess is a good thing. I walked over to the pool, since I'm guessing this is how its suppose to work.

Once I was at the deep end of the pool, I just stood there. Looking at everything for the last time. I'll never forget the moments I spent here... Especially you...


Jungkook's POV:

Aish, where did he go? How did I lose him that easily?

I continued to search the lobby, until I heard and woman's voice say:

"Is it true that a guy tried to drown in the pool?"


After hearing that, I sprinted towards the pool. It didn't take long to reach it. Once I was outside, I began to scan the pool. 

I saw somebody...I walked over to that person.

That persons clothes were drenched in water. When I was close enough, I realized it was...


When I realized it was him, I ran to his side. I don't know how long he's been lying here for, but his skin was dead cold. "V! Wake up! Please!" I yelled, but no response was given. "V!!" I yelled again, picking him up so that his back rest between my arms.


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