"So what will my last name be then if you use it as your stepdads name?" I asked him.

"Horan?" I nearly choked on my own saliva.

"Yeah, why?"

"Um well, I kinda nearly had sex with Niall Horan, you might know of him?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah like step-second cousin."

"Really, I had a feeling you two were related." I replied. It stayed silent a few minutes until I broke it by laughing.

"What?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing just Hunter Horan it sounds like your some Horan Hunter." I stated and he shook his head.

"Sometimes I think there's something wrong with you." He replied.

"Gee thanks." I replied looking out the window.

"No worries." He replied, I punched him in the shoulder. "Ow, that hurt." He said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Suck it up princess." I stated and he smirked, I knew he was thinking dirty. "How long does it take to get to there?" I asked.

"Dunno, I just sit here and like be bored." He said and I nodded looking out the window again.

"I hate being on planes, when you look out the window all you see is clouds it's boring." I stated sighing.

"I've got an idea." He said undoing his seatbelt and getting up from the seat. He walked over to a little bar fridge and pulled out some cold blood, I think.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he sat down on the chair.

"I'm toasting to our engagement since we didn't get to do it privately." He replied pouring blood into each of our glasses.

"Hunter?" I asked.


"Has their ever been a time when you wished you were human?" He stared blankly at me for awhile as he was thinking.

"None." He snapped.

"Not one?" His jaw clenched as he stayed quiet.

"No, now quit asking." He was snapping at me.

"Sorry, don't have to get shitty with me." I snapped back and put my drink down.

"Well if you'd just listen to me then maybe I wouldn't." He replied.

"Well maybe if you wasn't such a dick than maybe I would." I replied back.

"God you just like to start fights don't you?"

"Yeah cause you piss me off."

"Your such a bitch, don't even know why I asked you to marry me." he mumbled to himself but I heard.

"Well this bitch thinks that too, have your fucking rich ass ring back I don't want it anymore." I ripped it off my ring throwing it at him. He was about to get up as I was running through the plane to a bedroom that was supplied. I shut the door locking it as he banged on it repeatedly.

"Louisa, I didn't mean to say that I'm so sorry. I was angry and it came out." He kept banging on the door.

"No, you were thinking it to say it." I replied feeling tears brim. Why the hell am I crying? I'm not a cry baby. I shouldn't be crying over him. I quickly wiped them away and laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. As I stared at it my eyes started to droop. I was tired, I was exhausted from everything. I could faintly hear Hunter's voice but I blocked it out as I feel asleep.


It was dark, I couldn't see a thing. I heard whispers but didn't understand them. They gradually started getting louder, I still couldn't understand them. I walked forward and I was suddenly falling. I screamed until I landed on something soft but hard, I felt around and I think it was a couch. Things started to get abut lighter, I noticed a sort of voodoo room. All them sort of voodoo stuff was hanging along the cream painted walls. I heard groaning, it wasn't a pleasure groan more of a pain groan. I heard footsteps approaching me, I saw a figure it was definitely a man by the shape of the figure. He started getting closer and I was shocked it was Louis. I stepped back remembering everything about him, he hadn't changed a bit. Well it's only been a few months.

"Louisa, it worked." He said excited. He ran towards me and cuddling me.

"What worked?"

"I got you to see me. I missed you." What? Had his brain have an overload or is he plain stupid?

"No you don't Hunter told me you never loved me and you even said it yourself." I replied back.

"I never met any of that. He was controlling me." Louis stated coming even closer towards me.

"Bullshit Louis." I replied.

"Fine don't believe, but please help me. I need your help."

"What do you need?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm dying Louisa, because I need you my demon needs a soulmate and you are my soulmate." I shook my head.

"God, great heartfelt speech Louis. But it didn't work." I replied looking away from him.

"But I am Louisa, look." it suddenly changed to where Louis sudden collapsed and then to him with the voodoo lady or whatever she is. "The only way I can survive Louisa, is if you come back to me."

"I can't Louis, Hunter wouldn't let me leave he would hurt you or Matt, I couldn't put him in danger."

"I know Louisa, but you need to somehow before you'll never see me again." He sighed grabbing my hand and kissing it. "I see you got engaged?" I looked at my hand the ring wasn't there, how did he know?


"I have been with you since I went into a supposedly coma. My demon part lets me travel around with out my proper body. But it weakens me, making me live less." He stated rubbing my cheek. I backed away from him, his hurtful words running through my head.

"No Louis I can't hell you, you said all those hurtful things. You told me you never even loved me Louis, when I loved you. Do you know how much that hurts? Do you?!" I asked him, yelling it.

"No I don't Louis but I will once I die and can't be with you."

"Why can't you travel around like a demon?"

"I can but I will be in hell and my soul will turn dark. I won't remember anyone not even the ones I love." He replied his blue eyes staring into mine. "Just please help me Louis, you can trust me."

"You need to prove to me Louis I can trust you."

"Ok." Was all he said until his lips were on mine. I loved the warm feeling of his lips, he held onto my waist as I kissed back not knowing why. My hands around his neck, he pulled away saying,

"I really missed that." Running his thumb on my lip before kissing me again. He then went down my neck, then back to my lips. Suddenly his touch wasn't as hard as if he was letting go but he wasn't, he was disappearing.


"Louisa, you need to find me, before I die please?" He asked and I nodded.

"I will Louis, I will try my best." I replied as he was like a ghost now.

"Louis I lo-" Was all he said when I woke up.

Dream ends

I shot up from bed gasping for air, I looked towards the plane window and suddenly said,


The Boys From Hell ( Sequel to Boarding School from Hell )Where stories live. Discover now