He quickly holds up his hands in surrender and shakes his head. "Not a word from me," he smiles before taking a small sip from his water. "You know...." Henry starts off, stretching out those two simple words in a taunting manner, causing his birth mother's heart to race in fear. She thinks that maybe he's truly starting to wonder about all the similarities to his book. "If I'm that Henry and you're that Emma and Lucy claims that you are Regina, Henry's adoptive mother...then that makes you two both my moms. Which means it would be kinda cool if they were a couple." He shrugs noncommittally, but that smug smirk playing at his lips never leaves his face.

Emma's stomach drops out and her chest constricts so painfully that it forces the last breath from her lungs. She couldn't even take a breath of fresh air, even if she tried. It's not that she doesn't want him to remember, but to have him regain his memories by seeing his two mothers kiss...well she thinks that's a little scarring for a child. No matter how old. She's still damaged and recovering from seeing Snow and David in bed together.

"Wait, Lucy believes I am your mother?" Roni inquires absolutely perplexed by the sudden piece of information.

Henry places his water back down while nodding vigorously. "Yeah, I didn't tell you that before?"

"No! I would remember hearing that I have a son," Roni accuses and right away Emma can sense a little anger in her tone.

Green eyes flick back and forth between mother and son, honestly fearing for what is to come.

"Well either way, it's not like it's true. I think I would remember having two amazing mothers. That's why I wrote Emma Swan as a hero, she was a mother I always wanted," he explains a little bitterly.

Even though Emma knows he had two wonderful mothers and a loving childhood, her heart is still breaking knowing he doesn't believe he had a happy childhood.

"You would think, I would remember having a child," Roni snickers to herself while shaking those dark curls.

Those thick black curls bounce around her flawless face and Emma relishes in this moment to admire Regina's true beauty. This is a special moment where it's just the three of them and even though Roni and Henry don't understand how special this moment really is, Emma will cherish it.

"Maybe it's the curse," Emma bluntly suggests through a husky whisper, adding on a sly wink just for kicks.


After Roni closed the bar for the night, her and her employee start following their routine. At least Emma is. She stands up from wiping down a table to discover Roni sitting on the bar, watching her intently.

"What?" Emma snarks defensively.

"Nothing," Roni shrugs, pretending to come off as indifferent, but her sly smirk doesn't bode well for her.

"Mmhmm..." Emma stalks with a predatorily composure over to the brunette and places her hands flat against the woman's thick thighs.

Emma presses her palms firmly into the jeans and slowly spreads Roni's legs wide. She steps in between the parted legs and runs her hands suggestively up to her hips. She tilts her head back to catch Regina's hot gaze boring into her. Emma watches with great interest as the other woman's pupils dilate. Her almost black eyes are filled with a tangible desire and she can guarantee her own eyes match Regina's.

The sheriff bites down hard on her bottom lip just as she squeezes the woman's hips and yanks her closer. She revels in the heat from Regina's center against her own stomach.

How have I never noticed how sexy Regina is?

"Feeling better, are we?" Roni quips as she leans back and balances on her hands. This action pushes her core deeper into Emma's body in the most provocative way and the blonde has to fight back her whimper from desire.

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