chapter 7 the accident

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Me and ty went on a ride though the Forest one day to find ghost. Ghost is a horse who is wild and is in very bad shape and needs help so me and ty set out to find him. When we were in the forest when hope spoked and I hits the ground and hope hits my arm when she reared up ty hops of Mandy and ties him up along with hope and helps me up my wrist hurts so much I can't move that whole side of my body.

I tell ty that I am fine for now so he helps me get back on hope and we continued looking for ghost. Around noon we find him laying down in the middle of the woods. I am very surprised to see him down like this I quickly hop of  hope and walk up to him he lets me halter him and help him up but after he is up he wants to be free but I didn't let him.

I walk back to hope and ty helps me up again and then we walk back home. And put him away in the barn and he looks like he wants to be around me so I stay with him for awhile to let him calm down and then ty will look at him.

Before ty looks at ghost he exams my arm and cleans it up and wraps it with cloth. Then he tells me to go ice it I kiss him and leave him to do a check up on ghost.

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