I thrust my hand over her mouth.  “Will not!”

She pushed me off of her and I fell back against the arm of the bench, my head getting poked by branches from the bush we were sitting by.  I ran my hand through my hair to rid it of leaves.  All the while Cassie laughed.

    “Seriously though,” she said, once she’d composed herself and I’d used her hair brush to thoroughly make sure all plant life was gone.  “I wonder if Brandon’s ever seen your kissy face?”

I screwed up my nose.  “I don’t make faces when I talk to him unless you count all of the fake smiles I give him.”

    “How do you know?” Cassie asked.  Her eyebrows were raised and she folded her arms.  “You can’t see what your face looks like without a mirror.”

    “I just know, okay.”

    “Alright, fine.  But if we have to do speaking practise with our partners in French class next lesson, then I’ll make sure to watch you really closely.”   

    “Whatever,” I replied.  “All you’ll see is me feigning interest in what he’s saying.”


    I blamed Cassie when we walked into French class and were told to sit next to our speaking practise partners.  She was the one who had tempted fate.  Cassie gave me a gleeful look as she sat down in her seat and I slowly made my way over to Brandon.  I’d almost asked to swap partners when we’d been paired together at the start of term, but the thought of having to give a good explanation for my request had stopped me.  I didn’t think ‘because he creeps me out,’ would be a good enough excuse. 

    My body filled with dread as I neared the desk I shared with Brandon.  He was already sat down, flicking through his text book.  I took a deep breath as I spotted him glancing at me.  When he saw me looking he glanced away again but I couldn’t ignore the expectant smile on his face.  I wondered if he knew how badly I wanted to turn and run back out of the classroom, but then it hit me; if he knew I didn’t like him then he wouldn’t be trying to get me to go out with him every time he spoke to me.  I made a bet with myself.  I give it two minutes before he either compliments me or asks me out.  I dropped my bag onto the table with a loud thud and he peered up at me, pretending to notice me for the first time. 

    “Harriet!  Hi.”  His voice was already annoyingly up-beat and my eyes narrowed as he pulled my chair out for me.  “Looking forward to French?”

I sank into my seat without a word.  I wasn’t going to ignore him.  I was just going to ration the amount of times I answered his stupid questions.  Don’t be so mean.  The voice in my head surprised me into answering him.

    “Uh, sure.  I think I did okay on the homework.”

Brandon’s beam reminded me of a kid who had just been granted a free run in a sweet shop.  “I think the second half was more difficult.  The parts about the directions and travel.”

I nodded even though I’d found it easy.  I kept telling myself that I didn’t want to be intentionally mean to Brandon, but I couldn’t help wishing that he’d disappear and be replaced by Sonny.   At least then I’d want to come to French class.

    I hadn’t wanted to take French as an A-level, but Mum and Dad had assured me that being able to speak more than one language would get me into a better university.  Cassie had taken French A-level on the basis that she fancied our teacher.  She’d been gutted when she’d found out Mr. Rivers had been transferred to another college to be replaced by Mrs. Freeman.  She said the perm and specs didn’t really have the same appeal as a strong jaw line and muscly arms. 

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