Chapter 14

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Christmas was a quiet celebration. Mrs Weasley cooked, as usual, but only for the twins and I, Ginny, Ron, Mr Weasley and herself. It was too dangerous to have large gatherings of people now, besides everyone was too scared to leave their houses. Ron left the day after Christmas, claiming he knew where Harry and Hermione were. 

"That's about it." Fred says, picking up the last box of joke items. George stands beside me, an arm wrapped around my waist.

"It looks so bare." I whisper, the shelves are empty and clean and the shop looks so much bigger.

"After the war we'll move back in, you can join us too Maisey!" George exclaims.

"Why thank you." I laugh and turn around to face the door.

"Ready?" Fred asks, vanishing the box of items with his wand.

"Ready." George and I reply, grasping each other's hands. 

"Meet you back home." Fred says and disapparates with a crack.

"Do you mind if I go to Gringotts quickly?"

George nods, "I'll come. I don't want you walking through Diagon Alley alone."

"Thanks." I smile and stand on my tip toes to kiss him quickly.

We walk hand in hand down the cobbled road towards the pearly, white building. We reach it and step inside. Two wizard guards nod their heads at us and we pass them quickly. The goblins along the benches are too busy counting money and signing parchment to notice us, which I'm thankful for.  As a little girl they always used to scare me. 

"Can I help you?" The goblin at the end desk asks, pearing over the wood.

"I'd like to get some money from my vault, please." 

He nods. "Right this way miss." We follow him to the cart and step inside. 


"It's getting dark, we need to hurry." George says as we step outside of Gringotts.

"We can't let the world scare us George!" I sing, pulling his arm and twirling under it.

"It's dangerous Maia."

"I know but I personally think Death Eaters should be afraid of us." I whisper and then burst out laughing.

George chuckles and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. "I love you."

"I love y-" George suddenly cuts me off my clamping his hand around my mouth.

"Shh." He whispers and points ahead. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the dark street, but eventually I can make out a hooded figures heading away from us.

"Death Eaters." I say quietly after he removes his hand.

"We should go." George answeres pulling his arm out of my pocket.

"Wait!" I hiss, squinting my eyes. Through the dark I recognise a tall, skinny figure who seems to dance everystep. "It's Adeline. I recognise her walk!" 

"More of a reason to leave. Listen Maia we have no back up, all she has to do is touch her dark mark and boom, You-Know-Who will be here."

"We don't know that she even has one! Come on George! She's alone." I take a few steps forwards and break into a quiet run. I hear George hiss my name but ignore him. Adeline turns into Knockturn Alley. I feel a shiver run up my spine but follow her anyway. She looks behind her and I quickly flatten myself against the brick wall. Small breaths behind me tell me that George is here.

"She's going into Borgin and Burkes." He says, his wand by his side.

I pull out my own and raise it. "Let's go." 

"At least change your appearance?" George pleades, pouting his lip.

I focus on my hair and nose, two of my most obvious features and change them, my hair turns blonde and my nose grows out. "Here pull up your hood." I say and pull George's jacket hood over his recognisable red hair.


 I nod and walk into the gloomy shop. Adeline stands in the corner, talking in quiet whispers to Borgin. She doesn't notice our enterance. We slowly walk closer, pretending to admire the shop collectables on sale.

"Why would someone want bones?" Georges questions under his breath. I shrug and move closer towards Adeline to hear her words.

"The Dark Lord wants it Borgin. Have you ever come across it before?"

"I'm not a wandmaker girly." Borgin growls.

"You've never seen or held such a thing?" Adeline questions. I glance up to find her with her wand out and gripping Borgin's shirt. It surprised me to see her with a wand. When I first met her I assumed her to be a muggle, then I found out she had little magic and now I know that she is a full witch making up a bunch of lies.

"Listen. The Elder Wand doesn't even exist. It's just a bunch of fairytales." Borgin coughes, struggling against Adeline's grip.

"Shh." She hisses, glancing at us. I quickly look down and find interest in a collection of lady beetles, appearing dead, however their legs still moving.

What would Voldemort want with the Elder Wand?

Well power obviously. I answer myself in my head. He probably thinks that if he has all three Deathly Hallows, he can master death. I knew for a fact that Harry had one Hallow; the invisibilty cloak.

"Fine. Good day." Adeline struts out of the shop, slamming the door behind her.

"Can I help you?" Borgin sneers from the counter. George and I shake our heads and hurry out of the shop. Adeline is still in sight, hurrying up the steps, back into Diagon Alley. I break into a sprint, catching up to her. Once I reach the open air I decide to speak.

"What does he want with the Elder Wand?" I call to Adeline, returning my face to normal and raising my wand. She spins around, her wand ourstreched too.

"Well, well, well. Maia Black." She laughs. Her laugh sent more chills up my spine as it sounded similar to Bellatrix Lestrange's laugh.

"Answer me!" I demand, louder.

George appears at my side and pulls me back. "Are you crazy?" 

"It's for him to know and you to eventually find out." Adeline sneers.

"Stupefy!" I yell. She blocks me with a simple shield.

"Control your girlfriend Geo-" Before she can finish, I hit her with the stunning spell.

"Maia!" George exclaims worriedly, looking around.

"Send a patronus to Remus. Quickly!" I demand, walking over to Adeline, my wand outstreched. The silver whisp of light illuminates the street and then vanishes into the air. Moments later a crack echoes.

"Remus!" I call. Remus rushes over and immediately nervousness clouds his face. "It's not safe out here. Let's go." He checks Adeline and then grabs her wrist. "Meet me at my place." He says before disapparating with Adeline.


I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorrrrrrrrrrrry that I haven't updated in forever! I have been writing this other book that has taken up most of my time and I'm really excited about it because it is my own idea (not fanfiction) and I really hope that one day I can get it published. It already has 71 pages and it's not even half way!

Don't forget to comment and vote, I will try to update very soon!

:) :) :) :)

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