Harry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. . ." Jackson spat one last time and turned the tap off. He grabbed his bag off the floor and followed his dad out to the car. His stomach didn't hurt as much with his legs tucked up so that's how he sat, knees up. He put his seat belt on but held it off himself with his hands.

Neither of his best friends were at school. Georgia had messaged him about being sick and Kade just hadn't turned up. Either he'd slept past his alarm again or he'd talked his parents into giving him another 'study' day. That guy could be persuasive when he wanted to be.

Hearing that Georgia was sick made Jackson think. It would've been easy for him to catch something off her, they hung out enough.

He put his phone face down on his desk and tried to concentrate on the questions on the paper in front of him. Identify an important symbol and blah blah blah, the words all spun together.  Screw identifying a symbol, Jackson couldn't even identify a letter.

He moaned quietly, not wanting his classmates to stare. Dropping his head into his hands he decided to close his book. A break was all he needed. Five minutes.

His head continued to pound in all colours behind his closed lids. It really wasn't any worse than it had been all day but he was reaching the end of his tether. He wasn't going to be able to put up with it much longer.
Mr Renault started talking about the up coming exams and Jackson knew that he was just going to have to try last the day.

Lunch time couldn't have come slower. Jackson's head swum as he stood up and his shoulders killed from the weight of his bag. He'd been half asleep for the entire period and forgotten about his stomach ache but standing made it come back.

On his way to the lunch room he stopped and face-palmed. He had to go to the library to meet Melissa. Moving against the crowd was difficult and Jackson found himself out of breath a stumbling over his feet the rest of the way.

The warmth and silence inside the library was a pleasant surprise but he wasn't there for long. Melissa was almost two years older than him and a friend of the families. The moment she saw him she took hold of his waist and lead him straight to the nurses office.

"Why are you even here Jack?" Melissa asked worriedly as they stepped inside, joining the back of the line. Lunch time was always a busy time for the nurse, a lot of the teachers wouldn't let kids leave in the middle of a lesson so they often had to wait.

"You, tutoring, class." Jackson shrugged, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.

"Silly," Melissa grumbled to herself.

Once at the front of the line Jackson had his temperature taken again. Despite how shitty he felt it was still completely normal. The nurse frowned at him speculatively. He was totally washed out and could hardly keep his eyes open, she wasn't sure what to think of him. He looked like he had a fever.

"There's just over an hour before you get to leave anyway Jackson, how about you just sleep in here until then?"

Melissa picked up her gear and kissed his cheek, "he'd love to. Wish you better Jack. We'll meet up when you're feeling better for our session, don't worry about that."

Jackson nodded and yawned in response, already burying his face in the crisp pillow nearest to him. Laying on his stomach was out of the question, at this point his stomach had begun to bubble as well and cramp, so instead he laid on his side with a pillow over his face and his knees bent up as far as they could. It was so dark and quiet, despite feeling all kinds of terrible Jackson fell asleep even quicker than he had the night before.

After school his Dad was parked just outside the gates to pick him up. He leaned over the passenger seat and swung open the door so that Jackson could climb inside but he had to help him with his bag too because he was struggling.

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