Liam sick- for larrybieberdreams

Start from the beginning

He stepped outside and shivered hard as the cold air collided with his skin like a wall of ice.

"They said three minutes," Niall explained from his perch on a short post on the edge of the car park.

When the car got there Niall opened the closest side door and ushered his three friends inside, a soft hand on Liam's back. Then he got into the front seat and said g'day to the driver.

Liam twisted against the back of the seat, trying to get comfortable. There was something itchy about the fabric even through his jacket and it seemed impossible. He supposed it was probably better that way, as he didn't want to fall asleep before he made it to his bed.

He pinched his thigh to perk himself awake a bit more and then shuffled down to rest on Harry's shoulder again for the rest of the drive.

When he finally got all the way to his room, through the lobby, up the elevator, down the hall and to the right, he trudged straight to his designated bed and collapsed on top of the covers. He kicked his shoes off and shrugged away his jacket before yanking the blankets up and rolling underneath them, hugging them up around his face and letting his eyes finally flutter shut.

Someone came in to close the curtains and switch the light of but Liam was already fast asleep.


Later on that same night Liam woke up, and he did not feel well at all. The pain his throat was giving him had escalated to a point where swallowing was pure torture and he swore that it was worst sore throat he'd had in his lifetime. That was saying something, because as a singer he'd had his fair share of sore throats.

He was so hot he felt like he was simmering and no matter how many blankets and clothes he removed the heat was still there, licking away at his body. The space behind his eyes was throbbing viciously and dull aches ran down both his legs.

He couldn't get back to sleep how he was and even though he usually preferred to manage things like this on his own he couldn't be bothered this time around so he shakily got out of bed and padded over to the next closest bed. His mind was so foggy he couldn't remember for the life of him who was sleeping there but he shook the body anyway.

Niall hummed and rolled over as he woke, searching blindly for the reason why he was awake in the middle of the night. As his eyes adjusted he was able to make out a shadowy figure in the darkness and the rest of the evening flickered back to him, allowing a connection to be made.

"That you Li?" Niall murmured, pushing himself up into a sitting position and rubbing his eyes wearily.

"Y-yeah," Liam croaked. He coughed and rubbed his throat as it protested unhappily. His knees shook and he hoped Niall did something soon, or he was going to collapse.

A cool hand landed on his shoulder and fluttered down his arm to his wrist. Niall's finger curled around the joint loosely and he lead Liam out of the room so that they wouldn't wake Louis or Harry. Liam stumbled over every second step and stayed as close as he could, sagging into Niall's side as his friend closed the door behind them. Liam listening to him reach for the light switch, his blunt nails scratching lightly over the wallpaper until he hit the switch and the room flooded with harsh artificial light. Liam hissed and retracted, burying his face in Niall's soft cotton shirt.

"Aren't you cold Li? Where are your clothes?" Niall murmured. Liam trembled as Niall's other hand landed on his clammy back, "whoa, you're definitely not cold. . ."
"Fever," Liam whispered past the glass shards in his throat.
"Definitely," Niall said sympathetically. "Lay down, I'm gonna go find a thermometer."
Liam murmured a quiet compliance and flattened out across the sofa.

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