Bad colds- for Ram_3500

Start from the beginning

I came up red faced and still ticklish but hopefully the tea would help get rid of the last remnants, my throat hurt too much to do any more coughing and it was already giving me a headache.
"Easy," Liam said as he passed me the steaming mug.
"Thanks," I murmured.

"Your voice is practically gone Ni," Liam said, frowning as he sat down. "We have another show tomorrow and you can hardly even talk."
It was true, unfortunately. I'd thought about it myself, and really my only saviour would be if I happened to wake up in the morning feeling a hell of a lot better than I do now. Or at least with my throat feeling alright.
I nodded in response to Liam and took a sip of my drink. It was way too soothing running down my throat and through my stuffy chest, I ended up chugging the thing. It was gone in three minutes, tops.

I nodded a goodbye to Liam and put my cup somewhere where it wouldn't fall and smash before trudging to my bunk, more than ready to rest my throbbing head on my thick feather pillow. I tugged my bent off, then off came my jeans. They landed in a hazardous pile on the floor and I pulled on a pair of sweat tiredly, leaving my jeans where they were. The excuse I told myself was that the sound of my suitcase would wake Harry and Louis but really I was just too lazy to do anything with them.

I rolled into my bunk with a wet sniff and grabbed a tissue from the box I had sitting against the wall from last night. Holding it to my nose I shifted onto my side and let my eyes flutter shut, hoping that I'd just fall right asleep and wouldn't wake until morning. Below me, Louis sneezed and swore, then the sound of blankets rustling as he rolled around. The smell of Vix hit me as I turned and it made me cough roughly.

My chest soon settled and I fell asleep.

At five am when I woke up it took me a solid five minutes to recognise the bubbling feeling in my stomach. Nausea. Cautiously I sat up, my head feeling as if it was about explode with congestion. My heart began speeding up as the sickening lump in my raw throat expanded and my stomach churned even more harshly. That's all it took for the panic to start. Tears leapt to my dry eyes.

"L-Liam," I croaked, or tried to. My voice had been hardly there last night but now it really was nothing more than a broken whisper. Add the wobbliness from the fact that I was trying not to cry and all that came out was a warbled sound that could've been just about anything.
I gave a high pitched hum and triggered a fit of painful coughs that just made me feel even more queasy, and even more panicked. Puking for me was a traumatic experience. Well, maybe not quite that over dramatic but I didn't manage well. Usually I don't even drink more than a couple of drinks because I'm too scared of spewing the next morning. I just prefer to avoid it, and when I can't, I'm a disgusting mess.

A sob tore free as the bus rounded a corner and my stomach was sent reeling. I wanted to figure out why I was feeling sick like this from a cold but the thoughts had been pushed to the back of my head where I couldn't reach them and the only thing on the surface was my inner child crying his heart out.
Somehow, the coughing must've loosened things up in my throat and I got out a couple of syllables that sounded similar to Liam's name.
I was too frozen to do anything but sit there and shake, hoping to god that my insides didn't come pouring out my mouth the next time we took a turn.


My curtain slowly opened, revealing a shadow of a figure.
"What's wrong?"

"Let's go out so we don't wake the others," Harry suggested when I didn't respond. He reached out and took my stiff hands to help me down from my bunk. I locked my lips shut tightly and whimpered as I my feet hit the floor. Harry frowned and tugged me into the other room.

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