Chapter 4

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Human technology was laughable, 9S thought to himself. A surge of power and familiarity enabled 9S' fingers to dance across the keyboard like child's play. 9S tugged the scarf around his neck closer to his mouth and let out a puff of laughter. He can't believe he's doing this, but the action nonetheless stirs something in him that he had never felt before– thrill.

The room he was in was incredibly dark. 9S had no doubt that a human wouldn't have been able to see in this darkness, but 9S was not born human. The thought had erupted a question in him: Despite everything, he is currently inhabiting a human body. So, with that logic, shouldn't his senses be on par with a human being?

9S decided to entertain that thought. Was it because he was programming demanded this of him and thus was instilled deep within him that it transferred to this world? Or perhaps 9S just couldn't let go of these traits? Another mystery, 9S thought bitterly.

The silence around him was deafening but 9S kept his ears keen. What was it that made an Android, an Android? No–no, a better question would be: What made 9S, 9S? He was created as an Andoird– a Scanner type. His particular kind specializes in espionage, infiltration, and data gathering and so, the skills and talents required for such jobs were ingrained in him. But that didn't explain why he still has them now. Androids... although unlike to humans, do not have a soul but somehow have some sort of consciousness that creates thoughts and emotions in them. Was it because of that? 9S bites his lip– he doesn't know.

He straightens up– body obeying without any problem. The reaction time was spot on and 9S is reminded yet again of how amazing a human body truly is– and looks at the screen in front of him. 9S grins. Great! It didn't take him too long! In fact, 9S' eyes darts towards the digital clock on the corner of the screen, if he remembered correctly, he's only been in the room for 15 minutes.

On instinct, his mouth opens. "Pod 153–" 9S shuts his mouth with a loud sound, teeth clashing. For a split second, his intense focus and concentration go down the drain and he's left with a numb, unfeeling emotion. He feels... cold? 9S let out a slightly hysterical chuckle. What the hell? He shouldn't be feeling like this. C'mon– c'mon– go back to what you were doing, your mission.

And yet, 9S finds himself pulling out the flat, rectangular object that he keeps on his person. Without thinking he selects the only contact and listens to the monotone ringing. It is only when he hears Ventuna's sleepy voice did he snap out of his trance. "U-uh... Nines? Is that you?" She slurs and then lets out a loud yawn. Oh no, what on earth is he doing? He's frozen, mouth agape with no words coming out.

"Erm... Nines? You okay there buddy?" The concern in her voice nearly makes 9S sob. He doesn't understand whats happening– this never happened to him before. There's nothing that should've caused such a reaction and yet– and yet–

His ears are roaring and his throat feels like it's closing tight, suffocating him. His breathing is uneven and he's pretty sure Ventuna can hear it.

"Nines?" Her voice is lower. Softer. And 9S is attacked by sickening nostalgia. Oh god oh god– she sounds exactly like her. Like Operator 21O. "Nines, please talk to me. I'm really worried right now." Operator 21O– Ventuna– continues to speak and 9S can feel himself relaxing slowly.

"Can... Can you do me a favor?"

9S can basically feel the relief from the other side of the device. "Of course! Anything."

There are many things 9S could've said. Call me 9S– call me by my name. Tell me I did a good job with the mission. Scold me for stalling and yell at me to hurry up and retrieve the data– please. Please... Instead he says, "Do your best at Uni."

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