Niall hurt- for onedirection_niall2

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"Come on Niall! Slow Coach!" Louis' voice echoed from outside.

"Yeah, I'm just- getting there," I called back before swearing softly to myself and deciding that I was just going to have to be okay with this. I just had to get on with the show.

I chewed down on my bottom lip, hard, and took off after them.

"You alright man?" Harry questioned, shoving my shoulder playfully as he bounced excitedly on his toes. He nodded his head at my face, "you look tense."

I wasn't alright, all it took was a short twenty metre walk from the dressing room to know it. My ankle was on fire, I could hardly walk at all. Trying not to cry out, or just cry in general, was making me sweat like a pig and I even felt kind of sick it hurt so bad.

"I'm great, just nerves," I replied, voice strained.

"Don't worry, we're just gonna have fun out there like always. You'll be amazing," Louis assured.

I huffed and forced a smile, "yeah, hopefully."

Out on stage I think everything was about the same as it always is, the lights and the heat and the people, but something about the pain and discomfort I was in made it almost unbearable. I could hardly keep myself from turning around and running back, or crawling back, to the dressing room.

I sat down on the edge of a stage prop that we weren't meant to be sitting on until far later in the show and managed to stay there for the introduction and the first three songs. With both legs propped up on the bench my ankle was still throbbing murderously but it was worse standing, walking, and I could handle it.

That was, until Louis grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me up for a dance across the stage. It happened so fast I had no time to prepare myself, my grip on Louis' shoulder was so tight he screamed out, "ow, Niall!"

He laughed it off but he kept rubbing the bruise, "what was that for?"

I swallowed and glanced out at the crowd. My chin dropped as my vision whirled twice and all of a sudden the people didn't look much like people at all. Instead I saw a single shifting blur of black and grey.

"Niall," Louis muttered. I dizzily spun back to meet his eyes and I noticed he'd moved his mic away from his mouth, "what's wrong?"

My mouth opened and closed a few times but the burning pain wouldn't let me speak and the longer I stared at Louis' face the more of it succumbed to the black spots dancing across my vision.

Louis' eyes moved from my face to the leg I wasn't even bothering to pretend I wasn't favouring.

"It hurts," I whimpered, squeezing his shoulder.

"What? Come here, let's sit down. . ." Louis began to usher me back to my ledge but we didn't make it. I felt my eyes well up and I thought I was about to start crying but that wasn't what happened. Instead, I dropped like a heavy sack of potatoes and I was put to the world before I even hit the ground.


Louis' POV:

I couldn't move. Couldn't even blink. I stood as stiff as a board, eyes wide, over Niall's unconscious body for a solid ten seconds before a yell from Liam snapped me out of it. Him and Harry hurdled over as I crashed to my knees and took Niall's face in my hands, his eyes were darting around underneath his eyelids so I knew he'd be waking soon. Still, that wasn't very reassuring because he'd just fainted for what I could tell no good reason.

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