Liam sick- for larrybeiberdreams

Start from the beginning

Science finished and I'd gotten through my entire water bottle in an effort to moisten the painful skin at the back of my mouth and down my throat. It wasn't settling well in my nervous stomach but I didn't know what else to do. Frustratingly enough it didn't even work, so now I had a dry throat and a bottle of water sloshing around inside of my uneasy gut.

My next class was Spanish and it was freezing in there. Teachers always make all of us take off our coats and I'd worn my jumper but it wasn't thick enough to keep the heat out. I couldn't focus at all and found myself almost dozing off with my chin resting in my hand.
Sam was sniffling away beside me, hands up full of winter tissues. I hadn't noticed before, but I supposed he had the cold that was circulating. He nudged me, "you're so lucky you never have to deal with this snot shit Dude, I'm telling you."
I nodded hesitantly, struggling to keep my eyes open.

Honestly, I couldn't even remember what sick felt like, but come lunchtime I knew that it was what I was experiencing. I wasn't happy about it either. I'd gained a reputation stupidly enough, I was the good guy with the brown hair who'd never taken a sick day. It felt dumb, but there was a pressure there.

I was too stubborn to admit to feeling unwell.

I couldn't even be happy with my top marks in math as I left the classroom, I was far too drowsy. Outside the cafeteria I stopped and took a breath. I didn't have math with any of my close friends, the ones that I saw at lunch. Nobody would know if I ducked to the nurses office. They'd probably think I'd been held back in class.

Leaving the cafeteria behind, I turned and shrugged my way through the rest of the students trying to get in there. The nurse's office was on the opposite side of the school so I had a bit of distance to cover. By the time I got there I was panting a bit and it was killer on my throat, the cold air felt like knives.

"Liam, are you here to take me to see another friend of yours?" Jean smiled at me cheerfully as I bustled through the doors, hurriedly locking the freezing wind out.  I rubbed my hands together awkwardly. Any other time, and she'd be correct. That was usually how it worked, I was always the one bringing friends to the nurse or having to get her when they were stuck in the bathroom or whatever.

My head hung as I shuffled over to her desk miserably. I was embarrassed. Stupid I know, but this had never happened before. I'd never had to do this.

Jean repeated my name and I lifted my head to meet her kind brown eyes, wanting to just shrink into the floor. Her expression changed quickly, "Oh Love, you're not feeling good today are you?"

I shook my head, glad I hadn't had to say anything. My voice had reduced to a raspy whisper that hurt.

She stood and walked around to meet me, "you know, I was beginning to think this day would never come. Kids all get sick, but you had me wondering Liam."

"Thanks," I murmured gratefully as Jean took my bag from my shoulders. She smiled and lead me to sit down on a single bed behind her office, placing my bag down beside me. She dropped into a seat in front of me and smiled again, "may I take your temperature for you?"

I nodded. As she got the thermometer prepared I checked my phone. There were a couple of messages asking where I was but nobody had asked more than once, which was good because it meant they'd just shrugged it off. Jean had disappeared out to her office and a couple of minutes later I got a text from Papa, so much for the immune system of titanium then.

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