Harry sick- for storiesoftheseven

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I shrugged, not looking up from my phone, "not really."

Liam nodded and carried on eating.

Five minutes later I decided to head to the bathroom to see if that would help at all. I stood and dropped my phone into my pocket, "I'm just heading to the loo."

"Don't be too long, they're gonna wanna see us for hair in ten minutes or so," Liam reminded with a click of his fingers.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a couple of minutes," I replied.

I regretted what I'd said once I'd gotten to the bathroom because it only gave me a short time and after sitting there uncomfortable for the few minutes I had nothing had even happened and I had no choice but to go back to the dressing room.

Walking back my right side spasmed and clenched suddenly, making me wince and bend, stopping for a moment in the middle of the corridor. I inhaled shakily and straightened back up, causing everything to tighten and ache again.

That definitely couldn't happen on stage tonight. I'd never hear the end of it.

Holding my gut with one hand I used my other to dig my phone out of my pocket and opened my trust friend Google. Let's see what he has to say about all this because I'm lost and I need to know how to make it stop before I had to go on stage. There were medics around, if I could figure out what I needed I could go find one and hopefully be feeling better by then.

Eyes trained on my screen I re entered the dressing room and was instantly herded into a chair to have my hair done. I sat silently, scrolling and reading. It was more difficult than I thought it was going to be to actually find anything.

My hair was finished and it was just myself and the lads left in the dressing room twenty minutes before stage call when I finally stumbled upon something that seemed promising, and as I continued reading my eyes grew wider and wider with every pulse of my quickening heart rate.

I'd always freaked easily, so knowing that I'd need surgery or I was gonna die made me leap straight into panic mode. 

Liam's POV:

"Mate, what's the matter? Oi, just relax a second!" I shouted, gripping onto his forearm as he tried to pull away from me. Terror gleamed in his eyes so I softened my hold, not wanting to freak him even more.

I nodded to Louis, indicating he cover the door in case Harry got away from me.

We'd just been sitting quietly, everything had been calm as we all amped ourselves up for the show. Then Harry went crazy, leaping to his feet and running for the door. We couldn't let him just run out, we'd never find him again before we had to go on stage, so I grabbed him.

His lip wobbled as I held him there.

"Let me go," he stammered, his eyes glittering with unshed tears. He was breathing so quickly I was surprised he'd gotten any clear words out at all.

"Sit, and tell us what's going on. Has something happened?" I asked gently, gesturing towards his phone laying on the couch where he'd thrown it in his rush to get out. The only idea I had about what could possibly have him so terrified was a death in the family that he'd maybe just been informed about, or something along those lines. It was pretty stink timing, I had to admit.

Rather than sit like I'd just suggested Harry tried to rip away from me again. He gasped shallowly and just about did it, he would've if I hadn't stood up.

In the corner of my eye I saw Niall pick up Harry's phone.

"Liam!" Harry said, the exclamation only a fraction away from a sob. I let him go, surprised.

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