Louis sick- for larry_is_life98*extended

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When I woke up it was dark out. I'd literally slept the entire day away. My head still hurt like hell, maybe even worse than it had been earlier, and when I stood up to go see if the others were back yet I almost fell straight back over. I didn't even know what it was. My legs just didn't feel right and my head swum a bit sickeningly. Man, I really needed a Niall scalp massage.

A hand pressed to my temple I stumbled out of my room, scanning blearily for another human being I could complain to.

First I ran into Harry, quite literally. My body collided with his as I rounded the corner. Harry huffed, straightened his shirt, and then looked at me with narrowed eyes for a split second before walking away.
"Uh, sorry?" I called after him, confused. Maybe the radio interview hadn't gone well.

Next I found Niall. When I asked him for a massage he ignored me and continued watching TV, not even looking at me.
"Piss of Louis," Liam said as he walked past me, rolling his eyes.
"Oi, I thought we were ignoring him! Liam!" Niall exclaimed.
Liam sighed and pursed his lips, locking whatever else he had to say inside.

"You can't be serious?" I licked my lips, eyes darting between the two of them. Harry must've been in on it too, it explained his coldness out in the hallway.
Niall shrugged as Liam sat down, refusing to look at me.

"Well, that's just- great. You guys, great. . ." I muttered. My eyes had begun watering in the artificial lighting so I turned and dragged myself back to my room where I could be in the darkness, hopefully sleep off this headache.
It wasn't looking particularly promising. My stomach was beginning to turn over itself threateningly, it was sudden but it strong enough to make me wonder whether a quick stop in the bathroom would be smart.

Wearily I glanced down the hall toward the bathroom. I was right outside my door and feeling totally exhausted, although I kind of felt like I was about to blow my top I also couldn't really be stuffed making my way all the way to the bathroom.
I grumbled and swallowed before heading into my room, it'd probably pass. Migraines usually weren't enough to actually make me sick.

I lazily tore off my clothes, staggering about like a drunk. I couldn't even balance on one foot and when I pulled my shirt over my head and it grew dark I almost fell, completely disoriented. Maybe it wasn't just a migraine after all. I mean, usually they made me feel pretty shitty but not like this.

I was about to clamber into bed when my stomach lurched. I froze, contemplating my next move. My brain had grown foggy and when my mouth started watering I panicked and took off for the bathroom. I caused a right racket on my way, slamming doors and crashing about like a wild animal, and then over the toilet nothing even came up.

Breathing heavily over the bowl I could sense someone behind me. It took a couple of minutes to feel ready to turn around. "You're not gonna rub my back or nothin'?" I croaked after spitting into the water.

Niall's lips twitched as Liam came up behind me. "What a performance, Oscar quality Louis." Liam clapped his hands patronizingly.

I groaned and hung my head, "idiot. . ."

Nobody seemed to hear me.

I didn't know what had crawled up Liam's butthole and died but he was inching toward my last nerve. So I took a day off, he'd survived the day. He could've stayed with me if he'd wanted. He needed to suck it up and let it go. If I was coming down with a bug or something I wanted comfort, which Liam was normally happy to give. It didn't seem very likely at the moment.

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