Chapter 13:

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I walked out of the counselors office with Kojack next to me. This had been our sixth session and we had it every other Saturday. It had been three hole months since my life had changed so drastically. Three hole months since I was adopted. Three hole months since I met my brother.

It's hard to imagine how much life can change in such a short amount of time. For once in my life I was actually content. I was loved and cared for by so many people I only ever imagined knowing.

It was now mid spring and everything was starting to bloom. Like every time we simply walked home because it wasn't war from either of our houses.

"Hey, everyone wanted to know if you'd like to hang out at the warehouse later." I told Kojack, he had recently gotten grounded so no one could really talk to him except for me.

"Can't," He said nonchalantly.

"Like you're above sneaking out." I joked.

"It's not that. I've got to go to Colorado for my Aunts wedding. This'll be number six."

"Sheryl or Marlene?"

"Why would you even ask that!? Marlene is a saint. Her and Richard have been happily married for twenty two years!"

"Right, my bad."

We talked for a while longer until we made it to his house and then I just walked in silence. It was nice out to day. The sun was out and not a cloud in the sky to accompany it, a gentle breeze blew threw the air, swaying the leaves on the tree's.

I never particularly liked waking the rest of the way to my house by myself because that meant it was just me and my thoughts and it wasn't a short walk from his house to mine either.

I trudged forward anyway paying attention to simple things around me. The way the trees swayed. All of the bright wild flowers blooming. I was shocked when I got home and saw Jared's car in the drive way. Right now he was in the middle of shooting new episodes for supernatural and he wasn't supposed to be home for a few more days.

As walked inside the first thing I heard was Vegitales songs. I had shown the boys the show not long ago and at first they thought it was boring but now it was their favorite show. Growing up in foster homes most of the parents were Christians so it was one of the few cartoons I got to watch when I was younger. (Honestly my favorite show when i was little.)

"Hey, Essy. We weren't expecting you home for a bit longer." Jared said as he saw me walk in.

"Wasn't expecting you home for a few days." I joked. He laughed a ruffled my hair somehow making my glasses fall further down my nose.

"So, how was counselling?"

"Same as always."

"Esmarelda, I need to ask you a question?" I tensed up a bit at his tone. He was never so serious and he never used my actual name.

"Oh, okay, yeah, sure go ahead." I stuttered.

"Will you stay home and babysit tonight. It's mine and Gens anniversary."

"Are you kidding me?!" The phrase came out a bit meaner than I meant it to. "I thought you were going to ask me something super important!"

"But will you?"

"Yes of course. But could I invite Jas, Evander and Corban over. I promised them we would hang out tonight."

"Yeah sure, but what about Kojack?"

"He has to leave for Colorado soon."


It was nearly sundown before Jared and Gen left, and of course Jas and Evander were already over by then but Corban had to cancel he said his sister went into labor and he was forced to got the the hospital.

Jasmine insisted on hanging out with Shep and Thomas, so they were all now laying monopoly on the living room floor while Evander and I talked as I fed Odetta.

"It's funny and kinda cute when you open your mouth when you're feeding her." He remarked as I fed Odetta another spoonful of mushy baby food.

"I grew up in foster care I'm great with baby's and small children and honestly its a skill to feed a baby this easily." I said feeding her some more.

Evander laughed slightly. We heard screaming from the living room and quickly rushed out to see Thomas and Shep throwing the Monopoly money around and screaming as Jasmine struggled to catch it all and was trying to calm them down and make them stop.

I let out a sharp whistle and the both turned and looked at me.

"That's not how you play monopoly, so either play it right or go find something else to do." I said in a stern tone.

"Jasmine, do you wanna come play legos with us!" Thomas asked turning to Jas who's face had changed from is usual tan to a bright red as she tried to catch her breath.

"Oh, yeah.... sure." She stood up dramatically and glared at us.

"Just another hour till bedtime." I told her encouragingly.

She rolled her eyes and turned around to see that the boys had already ran away. She trudged up the stairs and out of our view. Just then we heard Odetta crying in the kitchen.

We went back to the kitchen and fed her the rest of the jar and I could tell she was tired. I took her up to her room that was actually straight across from mine. From the hallway we could hear Jasmine and the boys playing semi-quietly.

I set Odetta down in her crib and she quickly fell asleep.

"Well," I started to say as i shut her door behind me quietly and walked into the hallway. "We can either go play with the guys or we can go downstairs and hang out."

"I choose downstairs." Evander said laughing.

We walked down stairs and sat on the couch turning the TV on. We sat in silence for a while just watching the show that was on when i looked over ad saw him staring at me.

"What?" I asked laughing slightly.

"Huh, oh, nothing." He said looking away quickly.

"C'mon, you can trust me." I said scooting closer to him and in return he scooted further away.

"Nothing, lets just watch the show." He snapped.

I grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned the tv off.

"Why did you do that! I was watching that."

"No you weren't."

He reached over and tried to grab the remote from my hand. I simply leaned back and held the remote further away. You can only lean back so far before you loose your balance and fall over and that exactly what happened.

I fell on my back dropping the remote on the floor and Evander landed on top of me. I laughed loudly leaning my head back further.

When I stopped laughing I looked up at Evander who had turned a bright red. He was simply staring down at me with his super long eyelashes.

"I love your eyelashes so much." I said lifting on of my hands up and lightly grazing his eyelashes.

He didn't say anything back and just stared down at me. He slowly started leaning down towards me.

"Guys not the legos!" Was the only thing we heard before a huge crash. It scared both of us and Evander fell on the floor.

"Think we should go check that out?" I asked standing up and helping him to his feet.

We decided to go check it out and saw Jasmine standing in the corner as the boys threw legos at each other.

"That's it!" I said loud enough for both of them to know I was getting irritated. "Bedtime."

And cue the complaining. But after almost an hour and a half we got them to sleep.

the three of us crashed down on the couch and the floor and not long after Gen and Jared got home so Jasmine and Evander left and I went to bed.

Adopted By Jared PadaleckiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora