chapter 5:

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"Evander James, what have I told you about listening to your music so loud.  And who were you screaming at?" A woman's voice yelled from somewhere I couldn't see.

"I was yelling at the girl next door, she was watching me sing and dance so I was singing to her." He said looking at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Evander, did you take your medicine today?"

"I did, I swear she's there she's still sitting there just looking at me!"

"Evander, I don't know how many turns I have to tell you this.  Their is no girl next door.  It's all in your head.  We even went over and asked them and they said their was no girl over there, or in that room."

"But mom-"

"No, we already had an appointment for tomorrow I guess we'll just have to tell Dr. Kenna about this."

"But mom, she's really there.  I can see her.  I can hear her.  She was laughing at me."

"Oh, honey, now you can hear them.  We're definitely going to have to tell the doctor."

"No! She's there I swear.  Come look!"

"Evander, try to get some sleep."

"But mom!"

"Evander, go to sleep now!"

"It's only seven o'clock!"

"Don't use that tone on me.  Go to sleep!" The woman yelled slamming the door behind her.

He seemed loudly and he kicked something before looking at me.

"Why, am I like this.  You aren't real." He said more to himself than to me.

"But I am real." I said just loud enough for him to hear.

"And now you can talk to me.  I really am losing it!"

"Please, I actually am real.  Gen and Jared adopted me the other day I just moved in."

"Of course they did."

"Please don't be that way, you seem pretty cool."

"You're not real!"

"What will it take to prove to you that I'm real?"

Without saying anything he threw something at me.

Being who I was I completely missed it and it hit my square in the face causing me to fall backwards onto the ground with a loud thump.

I groaned a bit before sitting back up and grabbing the thing that hit me.  As I looked at it I realized it was a drumstick.

"Why did you do that.  That fucking hurt!" I said aggravated as I threw it back at him.  But unlike me he had really fast reflexes and actually caught it.

"You- you are real!" He yelled.

"That's what I've been telling you!"

"Wait, how long have you lived there?"

"Since about yesterday like I told you before."

"Why did you just move in? Don't Jared and Gen live still live there?"

"They do, they adopted me yesterday."

"Seriously? That's so cool!"

"Yeah, I guess.  I'm Esmeralda, by the way."

"I'm Evander, I know it's kind of a stupid name."

"No I think it's cool."

"You do?"

Adopted By Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now