Chapter 2

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Clarke stumbled out towards a tree, pressing her hand on it to keep herself from falling. Monty's moonshine was really strong, stronger than she had anticipated but she was relieved nonetheless. She still couldn't get the sight of Raven and Finn kissing each other out of her head.

She wasn't necessary heartbroken over the fact that Finn had a girlfriend but she was angry. Angry at that asshole because he hadn't even bother to tell her that he was with someone. She felt humiliated.

Clarke felt as though everyone knew about Finn and her little hook up. She felt as though they were talking and laughing behind her back. It didn't help since she's been so stressed over everything that had happened, Jasper almost dying, Atom's death, all the sick people that she had to attend to, Bellamy's constants smart remarks. She sighed then hiccuped.

She had only taken about five swigs but already she could feel lightheaded. Clarke smiled. This was exactly what she wanted. She wanted the night off. She wanted to just stroll around the forest and see how all the trees and flowers lit up with that unearthly blue shining light. She wanted to lay under the soft grass by the stream and gaze up at the stars.

Clarke breathed deeply. A part of her still amazed that she was here, on Earth. She was breathing pure oxygen. She was back home. Clarke smiled and pushed off against the tree, running her fingertips against the uneven bark.

Just then, she heard him.

Even tipsy, Clarke would know that voice anywhere. Bellamy Blake. The 'King' and he was calling-no, shouting- out her name. Clarke ignored him and placed on foot in front of the other, wanting to go deeper into the woods. Wanting to get away. She didn't want to deal with the arrogant man. She didn't want to deal with Bellamy.

"Clarke! Stop!" Bellamy shouted, jogging towards the woman who was stupid enough to be walking around in the forest, where Grounders were most probably around.

Bellamy's heart rate increased. He had lost sight of her long blonde hair and panic filled him. He didn't know why he felt this way about Clarke Griffin. He didn't know why his eyes always looked for her. He's been contemplating why since the day he caught her just before she fell into the pit. He hadn't even realized that he had grabbed her arm until she was dangling over those spears and gazing up at him with those wide green eyes. She had been shocked. He had been shocked. At first he convinced himself that it was because she was the only Healer he had, and he needed to save her but then every time since, he always protected her from the camp. In the end, he admitted that he respected her, the annoying chit that she is, but was that all? Was it just respect? Would him respecting her require him running over to where she was now? So that he could scold her for not listening to his orders and then comfort her. Was that respect?

"Clarke!" She licked her lips and pushed on. Bellamy was ruining her high sensations. He was close, she knew that by the sound of his voice, by how near he was, but she didn't want to be seen. She wanted to be left alone for Christ sake! She twisted her head around, scanning for a place to hide but couldn't find anything. Clarke sighed. Why did Bellamy always have to butt his head into everything? And yet, she could feel her face heating up at how close he sounded. And a tiny part of her, wanted Bellamy to find her. For what reason? She had no clue.

Clarke moved forward, looking backwards and spotted Bellamy. Their eyes fixated on each other and her lips open into a 'O' at his expression. Dread filled Bellamy's face, it was etched in the way his brows furrowed as he stared at her. It was woven in those dark eyes of his. It was there in the flat line to his lips. It was clenched in his jaw, his fists, his muscles. But then his expression shifted, there was anger, thankfulness, and That couldn't be lust. Clarke swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry and closed her lips.

Had she just been gawking at Bellamy Blake? She looked away shyly, realizing that she indeed had and then tripped and fell...

Bellamy heard a twig snap and moved towards the sound, his steps were loud and determined. In the next seconds, he was staring into Clarke's green eyes. His muscles were taunt with worry, all he could imagine up to this point was a Grounder appearing out of thin air and spearing Clarke like they had Jasper. So when he saw her, saw her flushed cheeks and her eyes staring back at him, he was relieved. She was safe.

Stupid Princess. Always running off and disobeying him. Always causing trouble. He breathed out sharply and yet found himself enjoying the shocked look. He especially enjoyed the shape of her lips right now. Suddenly, he imagined her below him, her lips formed the same way and wrapped around him. Her cheeks would be a much deeper red and her eyes would be clouded with lust. He felt his shaft stir and swallowed.

He took one step forward the moment Clarke glanced away and then felt his heart stop. No.

Clarke shrieked. The ground had tipped downwards at a angle and Clarke was rolling down towards the stream. The large stream. She screamed out Bellamy's name. Clarke tried gripping any leaves and bushes but she only succeeded in cutting her palms. She hissed and closed her eyes, still calling out for Bellamy even when the cold water covered her body and pulled her down.

"Fuck Clarke!" Bellamy raced after her, ignoring the pain of branches cutting his exposed skin. All he could see was Clarke's form rolling away from him and the sound of her screams, of his name being shouted. It was what got him going. Again, just like the incident when Clarke only died by falling into the pit of spears, his body took over. Instinct took over.

Bellamy raced down the angled edge, the twigs and bushes scrapping his right leg and right palm as he sacrificed that side of his body to safely get down to the stream. Bellamy had seen Clarke disappear into the water and it caused him to jump into the large stream/small lake.

The cold bit his face but he blindly pushed forward until he felt Clarke's body and wrapped one arm around her, pulling her up against his body and towards the surface of the lake. Her eyes were close and her chest barely moved which caused Bellamy to freak. He paddled towards the shore, gently laid Clarke on it and checked her pulse.

Still alive. He breathed out and shook her shoulder. "Wake up Clarke. Come on." He ordered her to wake up but Clarke didn't. She just laid in his arms unmoving and unresponsive.

"Fuck Clarke." He wiped the hair out of his face, shook her one last time and bended low. His lips barely touched hers when her hands shot forward and pushed against him. Clarke wheezed out, her hand clutching her chest.

"What-were you-doing." Clarke wheezed out, coughing a little.

Bellamy glared at her, "I was saving your life. Be a little more grateful Princess."

Clarke snapped. "Don't call me that! Did you just kiss me?"

Bellamy smirked. "Trust me Princess, if I wanted to kiss you, you would know."

"Leave me alone Bellamy."

"Or what?"

Clarke hid her face from him, hid her blushing face. She had felt his lips on hers. She had smelt the dark and fresh scent of him. She had felt his breath against her lips, felt his scorching hot palm at the base of her naps. She didn't know what to do now. She never felt like this with Finn. Never. All she truly wanted to do was feel those lips against hers again.

Maybe that was why she opened her mouth and said: "Or I'll educate you on the proper way of kissing."

((A/N: Please comment and let me know what you guys think!))

Unwilling Souls {Bellarke!!!}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ