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Quick Description (if you already read this in the front you can skip this description):

Robert the robot always wanted to know what being a real boy feels like. But he has no idea at all. His 'dad' professor Scott created Robert to take care of his son but.... He never had one. so he raised Robert as his own son. One day, professor Scott sent Robert to school where he met Emily Blake. Which made him finally feel like a real boy. But when jealousy comes, Robert slowly drifts away from Emily and feels even worse than before. Will Emily and Robert continue their love story? Or will it be just another broken promise?



Hey guy sorry in case there is....

-wrong spelling

-wrong grammar

-boring scenes

-totally short scenes

-and others..

Anyways.... Hope you guys enjoy my story!! -yia536

Robot RomanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin