Chapter Two

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It was some foreign word to Elsa for a very long time. Yet, here she is, married to Prince Frederic of Maldonia. Elsa lied on their bed, staring at the ceiling. Frederic was fast asleep beside her. It had been a helluva for the both of them, first the wedding, the after party, and the consummation.

Elsa was terrified when it happened but got over it once it was finished. Now here she is, lying on the their bed, wondering where to from here. Now that they're married, now that she has the support from her kingdom, what does she do next?

Wirech has been suspiciously quiet for the past few weeks and it was scaring Elsa. What could possibly be their next few moves? What if they attack suddenly and Elsa is not prepared?

Elsa stood up from the bed and began to walk out the door. She needed to clear her head. So many things were bothering her and so she decided to take a walk.


Hans was out with his daughter when he noticed a familiar woman walking by the open court yard. It was none other than Queen Elsa. She looked as beautiful as ever even if she was just wearing a simple blue dress with her hair tied in an elegant bun. Hans shook his head ridding himself of those thoughts. He knew that he should leave in case Elsa recognizes him despite the decade that past.

He thought of potential arrest, being thrown back to the Southern Isles, or even worse execution. He couldn't risk that. Not when he has a daughter with him.

But just as Queen Elsa was walking towards a stand, he noticed something fast heading through the air in the direction that Elsa was standing in. Out of impulse, Hans ran letting of his daughter's hand towards Elsa and pushed her out of the way only to have been shot right in the arm. A loud scream escaped his lips as he plummeted to the floor bringing along Elsa.

It felt like someone was ripping Hans's arms while simultaneously burning it. He gripped his arm rather hard while people around him began to freak out and gather around him and the queen who were both lying on the floor in complete shock.

"Hans!", Elsa shouted in fear when she had finally noticed the man who had just saved her. She had just been walking peacefully when someone pushed her to the ground only to find out that someone had tried to assassinate. But thankfully a brave man decided to take the bullet and to her shock, it was Prince Hans, the very man who had tried to kill her had saved her life.

What the hell was Prince Hans doing here?! She wondered to herself. And why had he saved me?!

Elsa didn't know if she should feel angry or thankful. But as Hans laid on the ground gripping his arm, she began to panic and frantically scream for help. In the midst, a little girl came running to Hans shouting 'papa! papa!'

N-no way! Elsa thought to herself. Hans has a daughter?

"Call Captain Nicolas now!", she instructed one guard who proceeded to find the head of the guards.

People began to gather around Hans while a little girl was crying helplessly by Hans's side. Elsa didn't know what to think or how to react. It was all too much for her.

It took about five minutes until the royal physician and head of the guards arrived. Hans was escorted to the palace while the little girl was carried by a man who followed Hans and the doctor.

"Your majesty, what should we do with him?! He cannot be easily trusted even if he saved you!", asked Captain Nicolas.

"Lock him up for now", said Elsa trying to fight her raging heartbeat and her short breathing. "I-I'll write a letter to King Igor. Also, I need double the security. We need to inspect where the assassin had come from and I need a body guard by my side at all times."

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