That meant we had to be close to Toban's Kingdom, and if we were close that meant Aurora was here too. Clenching my fists, I felt Torren open his mind to me.

Be patient, rider. We will find her.

"We need to find her now." I whispered.

We will. Turning his head slightly to gaze at me, he continued. We must get you to the Cave of Noelle. We must heal you first.

With a shake of my head, I focused on the Mountains. "Taking me there isn't going to heal me."

But that is where you are wrong, rider. Aurora is from there. There for the cave is sacred to you as well.

With a shake of my head, I closed my eyes. I knew I couldn't make any rash choices right now. As it was, each day that passed I could feel my body becoming weaker. Even when William looked at me, I knew I wasn't doing well. I just prayed to the high Priests that I'd make it long enough to get to the cave.

If the healing water there didn't heal me, then I would apologise to William. Just at the mere thought of having to leave him, sent a strange feeling through my chest. Taking a deep breath, I focused on the sounds around me.

I could hear a few hushed conversations, with a few of the Dragon's growling as if responding to their riders. Gritting my teeth, I wished I could talk to Aurora. I wanted to know if she was okay, and to let her know I was going to find her.

No matter what, even if the healing water didn't work, I would crawl my way to Toban's castle to get her back. Clenching my hands, I took a deep breath.

"Get ready to land!" Shouted William.

Opening my eyes, I gazed at the area. We were near the mountains now, and as we made our way down to land I could see the remains of a battle. Bodies and weapons were scattered around the place, and as we all landed the smell of rotting flesh filled my nose causing my stomach to churn.

Gripping the neck of my jacket, I pulled it up and over my nose. Even with the jacket covering my nose, I could still smell the rotting of flesh. Swinging my leg over the saddle, I went to move but paused at who was standing bellow me.

With out stretched hands, William gazed up at me with a soft smile. His eyes held something I hadn't seen before, almost twinkling under the sun. Returning his smile, I slide down slightly. Wrapping his hands around my waist, he gently helped me down.

Wrapping an arm around my shoulder, I was guided towards the forest. "I want you to stay close to me, okay?"

Nodding, I gazed at my surroundings. Behind me laid the dead, in front of me a thick forest that could lead to the unknown. Taking as much of a deep breath as I could without wanting to vomit, I prepared myself for what may come next.

One of two things could happen. I could either go to this cave and be healed, or I could go there and nothing happen. Either way, it was something I was willing to do in order to get Aurora back. If this cave healed me, I would leave as soon as I could. I wasn't going to sit around and waste time.

As we walked into the woods, Talios and Matthew held their swords. Behind me, Luca kept a close watch on the forest. Although his hands were still tied behind him, I highly doubted he would just hide if there was an attack.

Leading the way, Robert gazed down at his map before holding up his hand causing us all to stop. "Right down there is the cave." Walking off, I watched him fade behind some trees. I still didn't understand how he knew, but then again he did work for Toban.

Following behind him, we rounded the trees to see a cliff. Frowning, I was guided towards the cliff. Gazing down I noticed it was at least a ten foot drop to the water below. Gazing up at Robert, I noticed he had a smile.

The Dragon Rider Vol. 2 Kingdoms Fall (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now