Chapter 6:

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Taehyung's POV:I ran up the stairs and found Lisaunconscious and Taely clenching an inhaler

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Taehyung's POV:
I ran up the stairs and found Lisa
unconscious and Taely clenching an inhaler.

Author's POV:
Lisa's mother called the ambulance.

She knew what was going on.

Coz Lisa has asthma.
Taehyung on the other hand was panicking.

They arrived at the hospital safely.

But after a couple of minutes the doctor announced that she was fine.

Taely?She stayed at Lisa's house.

While they stayed beside Lisa this occurred...

"Sir we need her there!"
An employee shouted at his manager.
"I know!Just more time she's sick!Next month.....
Just more time....."His manager replied.

'She has to go there no matter what happens she can't abandon her work,not now.'Her manager thought.

Flashback(before Lisa collasped)
Lisa's POV:
Thank God Taehyung was out of sight.

As I quickly change my clothes
I saw something I wasn't suppose to see.....
He smiled,the smile that scared me to death....
I began to shake and breathe uncontrollably, and before I knew it I collasped.

End of flashback
I woke up early in the morning,I saw Taely starring at me.Creepy.

A week after.Monday.
Oh shitttt.
Our history class is so hard...
I hate this.
Right after I went home from the hospital I was shocked on how many miscalls I got from my manager!

Saying that I have to go back to Korea,that there are so many projects blah blah blah.


Pls 1 more month.

Time skip.Lunch break.

Can I join you?Taehyung asked me and Jennie.

I nodded.


I didn't know you had asthma?
Taehyung asked.

I shrugged.

Taehyung's POV:
So we decided to go to the mall later.

Blah blah blah,school is boring.

Classed dismissed.

Oh ya!!!!

So now we are inside the mall.

We decided to buy Christmas presents since it's almost Christmas.

What do you like Taehyung?
Lisa asked me.

I donno.I answered.

And there I saw it.

Some old hag pushed my mom.

When I was staring at it,Lisa noticed and looked at it too.

O no!That lady!Wait OK?She asked us.

We nodded.

And she ran to my mom and gave her a lift.

She was smiping,my mom.

She hardly smiles these days so I was really happy.

Unconsciously I rushed to her and hugged her.

I saw that Lisa was shocked.

I missed you mom.Keep smiling like that Ok?
I asked,smiling.

Ofcourse! She said.

But something happened....

I saw Lisa....

Laying on the street,lifelessly.

A/N:I know it is short,but please bare with me.I just can't think of what to write right now.I'm planning on making this a really long story so...
Thnx for reading!
PS:Not edited yet so there may be technical errors.
Peace out yo!

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